Milviz C310R Official Thread

Try changing your units of measurement from metric to imperial in the simulator settings menu.

Hi, anybody knows what is this device for? It is not explained in the documentation or I have not found it there, and I have not seen it moving in any of the several trips I’ve done so far with the aircraft.


adf needle. I think its the oldest aviation navigation system still used. I use lil navmap to find the frequency on the map, set that freq in the adf tuner, (on top the autopilot) and the needle will point to the station. Some don’t work for me, idk why, and the range is short. I use a combination of to/away from the freq as backup navigation.

Thanks, @Rok57 I think that it should appear in the documentation anyway to help some of the newbies out there like myself :slight_smile:

ur cheater :rofl: :v:

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Any CTD reports/danger/conflicts :zap:with this? Or is it generally safe assuming i have a healthy conflicts-free community folder?

Nice, I‘ll keep these values.

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I did a new test airborne. It works as you say if i cut both engines fuel and then feather the props. They stop nicely in feathered position. I did a dead stick landing this way and as soon as the wheels touch down props go into unfeathered position. I don´t know if this is the accurate behaviour irl. Maybe someone knows.

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N6722C: To be honest, I really do not know, While your Mod does seem to be an improvement on the Current Asobo Stock KAP140, I have yet to find any KAP140 Mod that faithfully simulates all the features of the real world AP.
– (except one I know of currently in development :speak_no_evil: )

I posted a new zip file containing my KAP140 mod for use with this specific configuration (C310R, GTN750, WTT) on the mod’s github Releases page. The previous release must used for all other airplanes and for the C310R when not using WTT mod.

For your other point, you are correct that KAP140 mod is not able to correct all perceived defects in the sim core autopilot logic. I am not sure if any external mod developer will be able to accomplish that, expect possibly Working Title.

Of course any third-party mod is experimental. For this mod I have seen over 200 downloads and so far all user comments are positive. Even with mod, there remain some unfixed issues in the game’s core autopilot. Review the file on github for more details on known issues.


Do you mean the 310R? Is what you wrote “C210R” a typo or are we talking about a different plane? It is getting confusing and the details are important at this point.

Also, if there is a specific version of your mod for the C310R, could you please include a direct link to it. There are many versions on your GitHub. Maybe post it to and get some donations too.

As you are no doubt finding, the available documentation for the KAP140 is lacking in the necessary detail, to know you are even simulating the AP correctly.

Having access to a REAL World unit ( or co-operating Plane owner who has a KAP140) would certainly help in clearing up a few ambiguous parts in the Manual.

Anyone with a real KAP140 out there willing to do a few tests on their units and report back how it really operates. ? (Please PM me)

*All relevant KAP140 info so obtained will be freely shared with the MSFS community *

If you really want to understand how to shoot an NDB approach using the ADF (Automatic Direction Finder—which is what that needle is called), search “ndb approach” on YouTube or purchase the IFR Training add-on. That said, NDB approaches are almost never used. I flew one years ago to get into Shelton, WA because GPS wasn’t a thing yet and I was very current. My Dad flew the last NDB approach on United’s routing in the early 80’s, I think, in somewhere like Billings MT. Nobody is sorry to see them decommissioned. Even back in my day, nobody would ever choose to fly one if they didn’t have to and some (non-professional) pilots just weren’t capable and wouldn’t accept an NDB under any circumstances. When we talk about non-precision approaches, nothing is more “non” than an NDB. My Dad was with me when I flew the NDB into Shelton and I remember him asking me if I was nervous. I wasn’t (and told him so), but I know now that I should have been!

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The NDB approach is a good tool to have in your flight bag, as well as being somewhat of a challenge in some case, which keeps you sharp.

There must be more to life than just following a Magenta in on a Moving map.

My local one into KMTN is one that is quite well know, although I have never flown it… (yet)

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Yes, 310R is correct and I fixed my typo everywhere. I was reading about the 210 yesterday and for some reason the number stuck in my head. A C210R Turbo of this quality would be fun addition to the sim. But maybe not as fun as the C310R.

All versions are in the Releases folder on github which I posted in message 1450 of this thread.

I am hesitant to commit to due to active autopilot improvement projects going on elsewhere. This mod will likely need to be rewritten or eliminated when those projects are released.

I like it. Was expecting it to be more opposite-extreme than that. You did good.

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I guess this is the one for the C310R

Are there plans to make the KI-227 ADF indicator, which you have modelled in the 310, able to be rotated? It’s missing the knob but is otherwise nicely modelled. Keeping it as fixed card makes it oddly out of date compared to the rest of the aircraft. An RMI would be even better


Yes. It’s done