Milviz C310R Official Thread

Yesterday I‘ve compared it to my beloved Carenado Seneca, no idea how you did that, the 310 is much more livelier and during final it seems to arrive at the runway faster, which is much more challenging and realistic, the Seneca is too stabile and it slows down at final too much somehow. So the C310 is my absolute favorite now.

Just two issues I have left:
Taxi Lights jumps from On to Off and backwards when leaving it on after takeoff.
And the Avionic Switch stays On after starting the engine…(Honeycomb Alpha)

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Not sure what your bindings are on the Honeycomb, I use the Thrustmaster Warthog stick and throttle. The taxi light is mounted on the front gear, so when I raise the landing gear, the taxi light does switch off.

Not quite sure what you mean with the Avionics switch. The avionics electric switch on the left door switch panel should stay on, and the primer switch between the two starter buttons should turn off once the engine starts. It’s a momentary spring loaded switch. If that one stays on, it sounds like a binding issue.

Sorry, Taxi Light Switch toggles fast (clicking sound) when left on after takeoff, Avionic Electric Switch can‘t be turned off after engine start (even I woudn‘t in real life)
Default Asobo/Alpha binding: SET TAXI LIGHTS, SET AVIONICS MASTER 1

I think I know what’s happening. When you take off, and raise the landing gear, the sim is trying to automatically shut off the taxi light. Since you have it on, and are using Honeycomb, it thinks you’re constantly trying to turn the light back on. The light can’t come on because your gear is up, so it’s just constantly fighting your controls, hence the clicking.

As for the Avionics, I also have the Alpha and it works as normal on my setup. That is, using the Alpha to flip the switch on & off.


Thanks, you are right, SET sends the event repetitive, I may find better variables using Axis and Ohs scripts.

** Warning : only for people that want easier/smoother landings **
*** Only use if you’re unhappy with the dropping like a rock phenomenon *** (which is a normal behavior of the real C310)

I wanted to share a modification I did that gives me a more enjoyable experience when landing.
here’s the parameter that needs to be modified in the flight_model.cfg file.

New setting:
lift_coef_ground_effect_mach_table =0.054:1.10, 0.1:1.09, 0.2:1.07, 0.3:1.06, 0.4:1.04, 0.5:1.03, 0.6:1.0242, 0.7:1.0213, 0.8:1.0161, 0.9:1.01, 1:1

Default setting:
lift_coef_ground_effect_mach_table =0.034000:1.050000

Let me know if that works better for you and if you have better results using other values.


OK, that one has tripped me up (only a little).

When you open up the EFB, does the registration number at the top-left match the one on the livery you’re using?

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KAP140 MOD CONFLICT - I am the author of KAP140-MOD-PACKAGE available on github that some people are using for C210R. Today I noticed that the package


available for download from also contains a KAP140 mod and the sim will load this PMS50-provided mod instead of the mod I authored. This package is not the base gtn750 code, there is no conflict with the base GTN750. The conflict is with the additional package for “In-cockpit WTT mode”. I will investigate and see if I can make a new release that allows my mod to take precedence again.


For now, if you do not need the advanced operation available in WTT mode, removing the WTT package from community folder will give you standard GTN750 plus my mod. Assuming of course that new-kap140 directory is downloaded from Releases · FS2020-USER-TESTER/KAP140-MOD-PACKAGE ( and installed into community as discussed in earlier post.

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So now we have the option of TWO KAp140 Mods ?

I am wondering what the Pros and Cons are between these two Mods, and going forward now, which one will take preference - especially for the Home Cockpit pilots.

Also, are these Mods Plane specific, it could they be configured to be a 100% replacement for the limited Asobo KAP140, and thereby appear by default in all plane that have a KAP140, without having to Mod each plane .

In a sim, that already has stability issues, this would seem to be one more thing to confuse the average Simmer, ?
(I am totally confused by it all)

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Just had a little flight from Sicily to Malta and after landing, found myself on the same convoluted taxi route handed to me by Ground, as another C310 sporting the same livery and a blanked out registration. Just wanted to say, thanks for letting me take the ground marshall. Being a true Gent, he pullled over to one side, despite arriving there first, and let me pull up to the marshall. Unless of course the sim is that smart that it gave us two marshalls. One for him and one for me. I doubt it.

Boy wasn’t it busy there this evening?

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Can you give us some more information about your mod or a link to a thread where it is discussed?

Have the same issue. As soon as i use a registration other than the one assigned to the lievery by Milviz, the nav radios stop functioning and shows 0.00. Its driving me crazy! Anyone that knows how to fix this issue?

@FuzzyPlutonius Can you give us some more information about your mod or a link to a thread where it is discussed?

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For me it was an electrical failure of some kind that I had to repair. DOn’t remember exactly what it was right now but it was a maintenance or repair issue that fixed it once I reset the failures.

Does anyone knows how to change the units in the tablet?
Mine is showing in litters and kilos, and I would like to change it to lbs and gals.


genius! i hadn’t noticed but it doesn’t. it matches the one i used to use in OnAir. this probably explains it.

To be honest, I really do not know, While your Mod does seem to be an improvement on the Current Asobo Stock KAP140, I have yet to find any KAP140 Mod that faithfully simulates all the features of the real world AP.
– (except one I know of currently in development :speak_no_evil: )

pretty sure there’s a slider on the fuel tab

Thank you, Day and night compared with original Cfg.