Yes, probably the most iconic helicopter ever! Will you be using the upcoming MSFS flight dynamics, or your own implementation?
Very interesting type! I hope it’s fully functional in control with the Xbox controller on PC.
YESSSSSSSS the Huey!!! Will it have a bespoke flight model or use Airland?
Let Milviz design one of his own, please!
Yes! A perfect soundset is imperative with this one!
Let me quote my buddy Huey on this:
“Whop, whop, whop, whop, whop, whop, whop, whop, whop … !”
This is very exciting indeed. As for the questions about the flight model, they state the following:
“Milviz is counting with the help of FlyInside on the flight model” - MSFSAddons
That’s excellent news! FlyInside’s Bell 47 has a really good flight model.
I knew Milviz has been cooking a Huey for a while now but figured it was at least a year out, since we’re all waiting to see what Asobo does with native implementation of helicopters for the sim. Milviz working with FlyInside is promising. Looking forward to hearing more about this, I love flying the Huey in DCS but dying to be able to fly one all over the world. The freeware one paired with AirlandFS is a good effort, but I’m too spoiled by DCS. Hopefully Milviz can bring us something of that level.
For me, this is the most exciting MSFS related news released this year.
The PMDG 737 and Top Gun Maverick addons are fantastic, but Milviz’s dedication to the uncensored and accurate historical preservation of iconic aircraft through virtual media is unprecedented (inclusive and in the company of FlyingIron). The value of Milviz products for MSFS is understated in their company name. Milviz products are not only exceptional 3D model visualizations, their products also include the distinctive aural voice of each specific aircraft. Each of their addons can be flown with eyes out during maneuvers, and the aircraft will communicate what it is doing and what it needs though it’s unique voice.
Milviz is one of the very few developers that define the modern simulation experience. It is the simulated Visual AND Auditory experience of sitting in a specific aircraft’s cockpit - with high fidelity systems and flight modeling.
The beautiful “Sound of Freedom” has been long awaited for me, since MSFS itself was announced two years ago. It is happening, I will live to see it, and I will treasure the Total Simulation Experience within the MSFS World that is ensured of a Milviz UH-1 upon it’s release.
Note to Milviz: I would pay an extra premium for your UH-1 if it had an option for the loudspeaker loadout with Ride of the Valkyries and a radio to tune in 60’s and 70’s music - similar to a 247D implementation I would also purchase a separate and additional expansion for search and rescue (SAR) operations / SPECOPS insertion and extraction operations, similar to the H145 offering
As a big fan of the FlyInside Bell, the DCS Huey and Milviz recent offerings for MSFS this is an instant buy for me. Very exciting!
Unfortunately, that is incorrect. Flyinside is not, repeat not, doing any code or flight modeling on the Huey.
Not sure where that came from…
With your years of experience with the flight sim community and your increasing business with the government, I have often wondered if it is transforming you into “Berserkercolin”.
It is difficult for me to imagine successfully accomplishing what you do without going Berserk - not just Krazy. Misinformation and misuderstanding is becoming suspiciously prevalent - everywhere.
Berserker??? I love it!
Either way, your Huey was great in P3D and I’m sure it won’t disappoint here either.
Super news !! . An iconic aircraft / heli, and an essential add on to any virtual hanger !!
Please bring it to Xbox! I flew Hueys for a few years on fires and rescues… loved it!
Roll on 2025
Oh haha… no. It will be WAY before that…
I am very much looking forward to this one.