Minimum Specifications for MSFS 2024

I wonder what the Minimum Specs will be for MS2024 ?
I think it is time to Seriously Increase the minimum requirements.
On the other hand, that may stifle sales… O well, Keeping it dumbed down may be the only option.

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See the presentation at FS Expo - intention is to keep the minimum the same by completely re-architecting the sim

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Current X-Box Series S, so basically the current minimum specs on PC.

Why exactly? In all footage they added some more clutter and tessellation which basically is a GPU topic. On current sim GPU was not the big elephant in the room, instead CPU. So pure visual aspects are not that dramatic.
On CPU end they announced that the 2024 iteration will be more spread across cores/threads which will increase performance as currently you likely end up limited by your single core performance fast.

It seems you didn’t follow the FS Expo Keynote :wink: the opposite was announced because by running on different threads in a better optimized way they can provide higher fidelity simulation on current hardware.

Also by now it was the first time they stated on some interviews around the Expo: “We don’t build a game, we build a simulation platform. No, we won’t build the sim specifically for beginners, we gonna help them with assistants but we won’t teach them something wrong by dumbing down the simulation aspects” ← on the current version they were a bit more careful on his. In some interview I remember they mentioned that they will see by time if they go full hardcore simulation or more into fun casual direction but it would be too early to decide.

As they included the A310 in good system detail, the ATR in some better than default shape and now the AAUs it should be clear which direction they have chosen for the future. The only limiting factor is the current architecture.


At least not a potato… :rofl:

Please don’t justify this by saying that MSFS 2024 should be exclusive to RTX 4090 club, so they can push graphics as realistically as possible without fear of losing performance or leaving people unable to play.

Luckily there is something called ‘settings’. If you want realistic graphics, you can select it just like someone else who has a less powerful PC can select a lower graphics quality option for better performance.

In this way, an accessible flight simulator is guaranteed for millions of users and not just for half a dozen who own a 4090.


Why on earth would you “think it is time” to increase the minimum system specs? Surely it is preferable to increase performance by optimising code at all levels, so everyone benefits no matter if their hardware is not cutting edge. Not everybody is comfortable with, or maybe can afford a computer that costs a lot of money so they can install a flight sim. Why would you possibly want to exclude that sector of the community? There really can be no justification for doing that.


Better to keep the minimum requirements the same, but allow those with better systems to get even more out of them. Get more for the same, in effect.


The issue is that those that can’t afford wants the sim to run at atleast 60 FPS on ULTRA settings.

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ok, Well lets just keep telling them that they can run MSFS with a RX570 or GTX770…
Let us see how that works out for them.

I wonder how many FS Enthuiasts are happy running MSFS with a GTX 770 GPU ?
Frankly, I do not remember anyone claiming to be running and enjoying MSFS on a GTX770.

The minimum specs to run MSFS.
CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 or AMD Ryzen 3 1200 or better
• RAM: 8 GB
• VIDEO CARD: Radeon RX 570 or GeForce GTX 770 or better
• OS: Windows 10 64-bit

Just like all “Games”, it takes more POWER every year to run them with any satisfaction.
I would think that this game would not be an exception.


I also think that is subjective. Some may get satisfaction on 30FPS while others can’t enjoy it below 60FPS


I agree with you somewhat, however, I tried running it on a GTX770… 30 minutes and I was done with that.

I would not say that but I “personally” feel that most simmers would NOT be happy with the performance of the sim if they had to use a GTX770 GPU either. Personally, I do not feel that the sim can even run satisfactorily with a GTX770… Once again subjective and my opinion.

It is. You only talk about GPU, you should more think CPU. You can numb down even MSFS 2020 to look like FS2004 and it can run on a GTX 860M (M! Mobile! I actually tried that and was getting up to 25 FPS with most stuff on medium settings :wink: )

The real question is what was your CPU? If it’s a lower end one with limited single core performance that’s more likely the case which is a known MSFS issue. That’s a reason why they told MSFS 2024 will feature better multi core optimization as it’s not really GPU bound in most cases.

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I didn’t try it with 770. But my issue back then were mostly the CPU usage. With my upgraded PC it’s still my main issue

no, I was testing on a spare computer with an AMD3800 8 core…and 32 gig memory and a NVme SSD. Using that computer with the GTX770 was the pits for me… another case of just being my opinion but I was running the sim and did not like it with that powerless GPU…
But, on a good note… The bottom line is that we all jsut really love our MSFS !

I think the bottom line is that we as users will never be satisfied by the performance or graphics. We always wants more :slight_smile:


Whether a user is “happy” with their setup is a separate issue, plenty of posts on these forums suggest even those with new high spec kit are still not happy. Your suggestion to seriously increase minimum specs if taken up by Microsoft will exclude many users who have enjoyed the sim over the last couple of years but do not have the latest hardware.


I ran on a RX570 for Two years (2021-2023), I flew on low to medium,limited scenery,limited addons but I had a blast…the 737 ran 35-40 fps and I was fine……you can do it bro


Oh yes…I remember the RX570… That guy is equivelent to a NVIDIA GTX 1060.
That 570 should have delivered much better throughput than a GTX770…

I owned a GTX770 before the 570, used that for a year…20-30 fps on low…its NOT DAT BAD