Missing Airports Sent to Zendesk

Cesária Évora Airport

Coordinates: 16°49′59.16″N, 25°3′24.84″W

GVSV is in the sim but named Sao Pedro.

i just looked again. you are right. i think i had another airport in the search field of the world map. then other airports are hidden. i can’t explain it any other way.

Wrong airport ICAO: Fazenda Juína Airport, in flight simulator is SWJA , but de correct ICAO is SJUJ. SWJA is the ICAO of Fazenda Aero amil

Lat/Lng: 13° 27’ 13" S / 59° 15’ 37" W

Missing Airport: SSDF - Eucides Fires
Location: 12°31’01.8"S 38°30’01.1"W

Ecides Fires ( SSDF ) / SÃO SEBASTIÃO DO PASSÉ, BA 12 31 02S/038 30 01W
AD PRIV UTC-3 HJ 45 (148)
05 - ( 800x30 PIÇ 5700kg/0.50MPa ) - 23 SBRE (CINDACTA 3)

Missing Airport: SJHF - Aníbal Azevedo Filho
Location: 12°33’12.7"S 38°18’52.9"W

Aníbal Azevedo Filho ( SJHF ) / MATA DE SÃO JOÃO, BA 12 33 13S/038 18 53W
AD PRIV UTC-3 HJ 75 (246)
11 - ( 500x18 PIÇ 5700 kg/0.50 MPa ) - 29 SBRE (CINDACTA 3)

Missing Airport: SSLS - Ruy Barbosa
Location: 12°16’16.9"S 40°31’51.1"W

Ruy Barbosa ( SSLS ) / RUY BARBOSA, BA 12 16 17S/040 31 50W
AD PRIV UTC-3 HJ 404 (1325)
13 - ( 1268x22 ASPH 5700kg/0.60MPa ) - 31 SBRE (CINDACTA 3)

Missing Airport: SSKX - Aeródromo Praia do Saco
Location: 11°25’19.0"S 37°19’26.3"W

SKYJU ( SSKX ) / ESTÂNCIA, SE 11 25 19S/037 19 25W
AD PRIV UTC-3 HJ 3 (10)
13 - ( 500x18 TER 1247Kg/0.50MPa ) - 31 SBRE (CINDACTA 3)

Missing Airport: SWUB - Belo Horizonte
Location: 12°09’48.1"S 38°17’37.3"W

Belo Horizonte ( SWUB ) / ARAÇAS, BA 12 09 48S/038 17 36W
AD PRIV UTC-3 HJ 133 (436)
11 - ( 700x18 PIÇ 5700kg/0.50MPa ) - 29 SBRE (CINDACTA 3)

Thanks! I’ll update the identifiers for the ones on the list already and add the ones missing.

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Brooks Seaplane Base at 47°40′20″N 116°47′10″W is missing.

I am missing KDFW in my world map. How can I fix this?

Do you have any 3rd party scenery loaded? I don’t and KDFW appears for me.

WU9 added new airports to the sim including a bunch in South America and the South Pacific. I’ve updated the missing airports list accordingly.


It might be that my brain isn’t fully warmed up yet… but how can we find which airports were added in a WU / SU? (I think it’d just be a WU, yes?) I took a glance at the release notes for WU9, and it looked like all the airports were in the Italy / Malta / etc area.

For the last few WU releases, Asobo included them in the release notes but not this time. Seems like Asobo and their partners have been adding missing airports around the globe from this list and other sources during the last 3 releases at least.


Hello, my first post here in the forum. I have latest updates, but LPBJ Beja is missing.

Welcome to the forum!

It looks like LPBJ has already been reported. If you look at the first several posts at the top of this topic, there’s a list a reported airports. :+1:

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Thanks for the quick reply and for your warm welcome!
I saw the list but I could swear that I red somewhere that it was already corrected in one of the recent updates, that’s why I reported it again, sorry for that :sweat_smile:

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Lake Como Italy LILY


I’ll add it to the list.

Request #160975 Wrong Airport ICAO in Brazil

The SWPW Aerodrome is listed in the MSFS as the Pouso das Garças Aerodrome in MT, however since 2020 this ICAO (SWPW) belongs to Aerovale Airport (-23,129, 45,662). What is the procedure to officially request this modification?

Zendesk would be the best way. After obtaining a ticket number, update your post above with that number.

I submitted Brooks Seaplane Base (S76) to Zendesk and it was automatically marked solved. The ticket number is 161234.