Thanks for the work around, but wow this is ridiculous now. The game is ridden with bugs where we have to do work around until it is fix. Is been a whole year and here we are still finding ways to workaround bugs.
This leads to another bug , the speed of the drone camera cannot be changed since SU5. The slider does not have any effect anymore…
I have found that moving the drone speed to just below 100% makes it move fast enough
The 100% setting makes it move painfully slow for me
For the drone camera, you have to place your cursor where you want the speed to be. The slider doesn’t really work now.
Some good new for this issue:
Awesome! I was getting tired of restarting every flight
Doesn’t appear that the latest hotfix has rectified this…
im developer too, sometime available sometime missing, either payware or default both problem with simobject animated… hope microsoft can fix this issue, as before update 5 i never facing this kind of issue on sdk.
I can confirm thats not be patched.
No Gates at ZRH
had have the same issues on several 3rd party airports (EDDH, EDDL, LEIB) where the jetways where complete gone since WU5. FS Dreamteam released a patch short which fisxed the issues at LSZH.
I deleted/reseted today the rolling cache, after this procedure and since then jetways are all available and fully working on the mentioned airport. It also fixed me some minor colour flickers on airplanes. For me everything perfect and I’m really happy that I found the solution in this topic here.
still not fixed.
Normal, this should be resolved in the next SU6 end of October.
Since last Hotfix ( I am even not able to start a flight from FSDRT LSZH Airport - if I start a flight from Gate I always get message I do not have enough bandwidth for 3D drawings,… once I hit ignore I could start the flight Cockpit is cold and dark but I cannot bush any button. If I start directly from runway during take off CTD. Same if I approach the airport CTD on finial. Once I deinstall the LSZH addon everything is fine.
I am on Series S
Before the Hotfix all was ok accept the missing Jetways
Can confirm this also happens on Xbox. Sounds exactly the same. For me Manchester Airport maccosimulations addon and also seen it happen at London Heathrow on the deluxe edition.
Reload after exiting to world map and they are back.
Hope this will fix
At ZRH is still missing