Hi there.
I had purchased your IFR, Voyager and VFR missions as soon as they became available on the JustFlight store.
But, one thing really bothers me and this not your fault per se, but a not well thought out design of MSFS UI.
Re. Voyager.
It stands to reason that they, for all intents and purposes, should be under the ‘Bush Trips’ category because that’s essentially what they are.
However, trying to find your IFR or VFR flights can be quite time consuming and a bit of a headache since there is no proper way to sort them all.
Is there any chance that you could ask MS/Asobo to allow other ‘categories’.
eg. IFR and VFR under their own categories and to expand upon this, putting these two categories under a parent.
ie. ‘FSAcademy’, much in the same way a folder tree works.
If the folder tree is not really possible (why wouldn’t it be) due to the way the UI functions andor how it is designed… Then at the very least I would love nothing more than to able to click on say, an ‘FSAcademy’ category, which would then take me to another page showing ‘IFR’ and ‘VFR’ cats.
This way, I can very quickly get to choose one of your VFR, or IFR flights within a few clicks.
Right now everything is lumped into a bushtrip cat and finding anything is… put it this way, the UI design is keeping me away from msfs20 and has been for a long time.
I hope I’ve explained/wrote it in a way that makes sense.
Keep up the good work and looking forward to you guys possibly releasing some more adv. +1hr IFR flights where real life failures etc. come into play midflight.
Really like what FSA brings to msfs
but their(ms/asobo) UI for me is a killer when it comes to finding missions, any missions. Again, it’s not your fault but maybe you could pass on my feedback to MS/Asobo.
Take care and tyvmia…