MK-Studios releases CYUL

Unless i missed the news, this came out of nowhere to me. Crazy how this airport had no renditions for almost three years and now might be getting three.

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I suspect it’s because FSimStudios is doing it, so they rushed it to release before they did.

Based on previous releases from both, I’ll wait for FSimStudios.

REGDesigns did the same with YYZ when FlyTampa was doing it…

Side note, is MK-Studios linked with BMWorld? or is this ANOTHER CYUL?

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I flew out of CYUL yesterday but I used the airport from Asobo b/c there was no release for Xbox. It was stable and all good (of course) with the PMDG 737 and I travelled to St. John’s (CYYT). Lots of fog there and issues with all the jetways being broken or part missing at CYYT.

And thanks for the tip, will look for CYUL and probably get the one developed by FSimStudios.

If you’re on XBOX and want FSimStudios you’ll be waiting, they’re products aren’t released for it and won’t be (according to their FaceBook post) until further notice as there are issues.

Streamers of the MKStudios also noticing allot of discrepancies with with the airport and that it is outdated. Also allot of reports of being very resource intensive.


Thanks for the note. I will definitely keep my eyes open!

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I see…yeah I like the FSIm studios stuff so will wait for their CYUL.(I have 4 of their airports) (They sre also including a second airport eith their CYUL too!!) I do dislike how tinted their make their terminal windows as you cant really see through them when parked, so any interior work is just wasted to me.

I enjoy when terminal windows can be seen through, like the FlyTampa CYYZ and EGPH.


MK Studios is not BMWorld. BMWorld is working together with AMSim. Their Montreal is supposed to come out August 1st on Orbx.

From my experience BMWorld is good quality, so I would wait for theirs.
FlyTampa would be even better of course, given their track record.

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Just read on Facebook that FlyTampas CYUL is cancelled


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That’s unfortunate, theirs and FSimStudios would have been the only two worth a look out of the 4 but it makes sense.

I dunno, after watching the StudioCanuck vid, i think it easily matches what FSIm does, unless something is glaringly off i dont know about. Their interior was better than what FSIm does if you care about that.

Looking at the comments on Facebook, I think FT’s CYUL would still sell well. I’d certainly wait for it! Surely it would be best to just stick it on the back burner rather than completely can months and months of hard work?

With the right promotion, many would wait because the FT name is so well renowned.

dont know if the devs are looking here, but would it be possible to add more starting points

the whole ramp near rwy 24L is for GA and multiple FBOs are there

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When I saw MK Studio CYUL, I ran to purchase it and I was quiet happy with it in terms of value for money, details and performance.

But now I discover here that there is another one from BMWorld/AMSim :upside_down_face:

Did anyone try both to review and compare? :thinking:

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Just bought CYUL from BMWorld through OrbX. I got the MK Studio one yesterday as I mentioned in the previous post…

CYUL is my province airport and I know it pretty well and was anxiously waiting for an addon since MSFS was out. Now there are 2 and a third is on its way …

My quick observations for those who do not know what CYUL to get:

MK Studio version is good for the price. But has a plain aspect to it when it comes to the surrounding facilities… The only thing I prefer in MK Studio are the terrain subtle variations like the ditches they created just like in real life… It removes the flat aspect of the terrain outside the concrete areas…

BMWorld CYUL is more detailed than MK Studio in general. I noticed a couple of glitches like missing textures on rwy / twy signs and a floating roof unit. They added static road vehicles on the main central road that are just on one portion of it actually and I do not think it is the best idea

I just wish BMWorld reproduce the ditches and subtle airport ground variations MKStudio have…


Just wait for FSimStudios… You won’t be disappointed.

From soneone in the know…

MK, first. Rushed scenery, inaccuracies, missing new taxiways, low performance on some, etc
BMWorld, probably second, but that’s a notch above freeware, also missing taxiways, and inaccuracies.FSimStudios. Up to date airport layout, accurate textures, I’m guessing decent performance , and one heck of a good insider to provide details and accuracy


It’s a shame the likely best one has been mothballed…

Come on, FlyTampa, you’ve now the upper hand, knowing what the competition’s like!

Whaaaat? Theres already another one out!?

Plus you will get Mont Tremblant if you own two other FSIm products. Really nice cute terminal building there.


I think in this case I will have 3 CYUL + 1 Mt Tremblant :innocent: