Mod: Realistic A320 detents for the Thrustmaster TCA Quadrant

Sorry, I’m and Airbus pilot only so no plans.

Hello, i can print this detent, but the link shapeway is just to buy, i live in brazil and the shipping is expensive, so @hotbso could send me the archive, and i’ll print.

The shipping really is too expensive… is anyone in Europe that could 3D print a set and ship em to me?

thinks theres already a mod for the flaps (also needs 3d printed)

also wondering how you install the pieces once printed - found p6 of the manual and just seems to mention removal of the small black notching pieces - is this all that your replacing with the printer pieces?

also can see on your thingverse page there seems to be a few different version of this v5 v6 v6gx - which is the best template to use for MSFS?

You are right, just replace the black notches. I did not create the mods on Thingiverse so I cannot comment.

thanks for the reply.
1)had assumed it was your spec - note will ask a printer here in the UK to create mine(postage is high for four) - so could you direct me to (or share) the blue print for your one?

2)there seems to be some discussion in the forums around versions (assume this is referring to your spec or is it) which is the one that works best?(comments are suggesting the v5?)

3)assume the danger of using the specs from thingverse is that it might not perform as well as yours?

As pointed out all I know about the design on Thingiverse is that is exists. I never tried it out. There is a dedicated thread so I suggest you ask your questions about versions there.
My design is not free and only available on Shapeways.

thanks just went ahead and ordered your ones from Shapeways : )
for the replacements does it matter which way they are facing when you put them in?

also ordered your speedbrake mod (from shapeways) - is there a separate guide/thread to fitting this one?

Yes, side matters. As described in the manual on page 6 orientation changes “with detents” vs “no detents”. For the speedbrake lever it’s the same mechanism.

understood will give it a try

  1. for the throttles you suggest settings for the “ThrottleConfiguration.ini” - where can I find this (is it part of the FBW A320 files or a MSFS file?)
  2. also in terms of speed brake - are there any recommended setup settings ?

The above mentioned file is for an meanwhile outdated version of the FBW.
For the throttles use the native calibration of the plane as written here:

For the speedbrake proceed as written here:

thanks - will follow the direction for the spoilers.
So for the throttles will follow the “native calibration” which assume means for the Fenix A320 and the Toliss you calibrate them as if there just the vanilla tca throttles?

exactly like any throttle

Hi guys, I made custom decals if anybody is interested :wink:

Here’s the link via google drive: Thrustmaster airbus throttle decals - Google Drive

It contains the PDF file, as well as a PSD file if you want to edit it. When printing the PDF, please make sure NOT to select “Fit to printable area” and make sure to choose an option that prints the whole thing instead (it varies from browser to browser, or whatever app you print it in).

These decals are actually based on this 3D Model: Thrustmaster TCA Airbus Detent with revers idle for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS , which is why I provided a PSD in case the labels don’t line up properly.

NOTE: In the sample picture that I took, the Flex and TOGA are connected by a line instead of being separated as they should be. Below is the actual version that’s included in the google drive link.




After picking up the CRJ I am looking at doing this mod to get better control of the throttle. The thing I am struggling with it is finding instructions on how to fit it. Has anyone got any tips?


Hello guys, you might be interested in my Detent-Tension mod, check here: :slight_smile:

Also this if you have the add-ons:

I also fixed my bad twist pot by adding a hall sensor. So far so good!

You removed the gear up lever for this mod… Not an option for me.