I bought the Montpellier scenery (LFMT) from the marketplace. After having installed it I can’t try it because the fs2020 goes in CTD!!!
I bought the Montpellier scenery (LFMT) from the marketplace. After having installed it I can’t try it because the fs2020 goes in CTD!!!
Hi, have tried to empty your community folder ? maybe another addon you have is the cause
the community folder is empty
Yes, same here, LFMT causes CTDs.
@moderators should this be moved to Bugs & Issues → Airports Section?
I also bought LFMT last Saturday and I also have CTDs. I saw on the PESIM forum that we needed version 1.2 but it is impossible for us to download it when we buy by the MSFS Market place.
Have I lost my money?
JLuc from LFST
I found a workaround here in the forum https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/ctds-caused-by-3rd-party-airports/339377/35?u=chk3000
For me this helped, but Asobo and addon makers need to get this straight.