Moon is too big in VR (and reflection on water always of a full moon)

Since 2015 I’ve flown in VR only. I know that I belong to the minority but VR is essential to me for the immersion. It is obvious that MSFS is a game and simulator (I hope, in the near future I can write: simulator and game) and not a planetarium, but in a such beautifully looking flightsim an oversized Moon is really ugly.
The bigger problem is the case of the stars. They are very close in VR, much closer than clouds. All stars appear in front of clouds. I think, it’s a big bug. Those who play the sim on a monitor can not even notice it. But it is really annoying too.


I guess it’s probably because the VR function was introduced way later after release. It’s as if the sim was never designed to be used in VR from the beginning. So the current VR function is merely a “port” that they have to make it work from the base code to meet those VR demands.

Then it’s probably why we get these moon size and star issues in VR where it doesn’t really happen in normal mode.

I guess it’s probably better to split the sim into two separate games. One completely VR and one non-VR. That will make both games to be able to build for those specific functions in mind without affecting one and the other.

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I agree with you, this is the main problem. But it is a real shame! In 2020 a new flight sim concept originally without the ability the VR…This is the main reason that makes me think that MSFS is firstly a game and just secondly a sim. These guys approaches from the conception of a monitor-based sight with wide-angle and videocamera-based visual effects to share the recorded spectacular flights on the net. This is not wrong in itself, but on the one hand this approach doesn’t work in VR and on the other hand a flight sim should have much more sophisticated flight models and other functions.
At the same time I acknowledge the efforts they make to become the sim better and better.

Well, usually serious flight simmers don’t really use VR… But instead build a home cockpit. In that case, then it would be a monitor-based approach since you would need a screen or a projector projecting to either a flat or a curved screen for a home cockpit simulator, like this:

OK, this is an optimal outfit, but I believe that the most simmers can’t afford a home-built cockpit. Moreover this sort of cockpit makes it possible to fly one type of aircraft. But in VR you can choose freely any other one. And - if the sim allows it - with VR Controllers you can manipulate all the switches being situated accurately in the same place as in real life. I don’t claim that the VR is the only acceptable solution to make the flying experience more close to the reality, but VR is one of the best (and at the same time affordable) one.
There are different people and different ways to enjoy the illusion of flying. I’m just saying that VR is very important one of these, and a sim shouldn’t be developed from scratch without the ability of VR.

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I agree.
Been there, done that!

While building my 737 simpit I spent 99% of my time building and only 1% flying (and that was mostly testing the hardware).

Now I fly exclusively in VR and there is no looking back…


This is quite an impressing setup!

“serious” flight simmers is too vague though! I’m certain there are serious simmers in VR and in 2D for different reasons and use cases!


Impressive cockpit, but…

Beside its to define what is serious, unless you use some kind of stereoscopic projection on your screens it is still pancake. And just one aircraft. Just one!

The change of feeling that I have when switching to VR is way beyond anything before and that counts all the years since 1985. You start to feel the world around you. And its just the beginning.

In a few years, with hand and fingertracking, probably tactile feedback gloves or suits, much better comfortable headsets with improved resolution, refresh rates and FOV as well as fully operational cockpits in the sims I truly see where the future is.

Add this with an 6dof motion rig and you are in simmers heaven.

Was’nt it the topic author himself who wrote some days ago of thinking to spend his 25 years in the making now top tier home cockpit to a museum?

VR is future!

Moon is too big and needs a better graphic. Just look at it; has anyone ever seen the moon look like that in real life? It’s obviously fake

Moderator Edit: Merged from another topic.

In VR it’s twice this big.

Another thing I noticed about the moon in VR (haven’t checked in Regular Reality), is that the reflection of the moon on water is always full.

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I have also noticed that when flying on the southern hemishpere, the moon isnt “upside down” as it should be.
Other thing also the sun is way too big, should be scaled down too. Just look the sunsets and you realize it.

I also noticed the reflection is always of a full moon.

(my bad I thought it was a topic about stars)

Do you think this problem could be solved by the community with a mod?

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Maybe we can get an Assistance option for “Sun and Moon size” with settings “Oversized” and “Realistic” :smiley:

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Obviously there are more important things…

Based on the screenshots in the following thread, to me it looks like this issue is addressed in MSFS 2024.

Screenshot Comparison MSFS 2024 vs MSFS 2020 - Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) - The AVSIM Community

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I dunno, it looks too small now…



…but maybe they’ll add a slider :wink:

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