Mouse freelook axis crosstalk - overly sensitive

Having the same issue on series x w/ keyb, mouse, Tmaster hotas one.
Freelook in character and cockpit is impossible to control. Instant snap to every extremity.
Tried remapping away from lockable controls to the ones used by controllable controller. Result was opposite - 0 movement.
Tried sensitivity settings - no improvement. nb reducing sensitivity to 10 = no motion and its impossible to enter single digit sensitivity numbers. Tried xbox system mouse settings too = no effect on freelook behaviour.
Also went through every setting like accesscibility, general = no improvement
Alsoooo. when trying to invert xbox ctrller right stick - box and device do not change state
And since “i’m on my feet.” After experimenting with settings, I suddenly found that nothing worked and the only action i could take was using the xbox button to call up the pause menu, then quit to main menu. Had to restart MSFS to get stuff working again


Same issue, tried changing the speed and momentum in settings but that only changed the controller speed and momentum not the mouse.


Thank you for the bug report.

We have created an internal ticket to see if our team already has this logged, and if not they will attempt to reproduce the issue and create a new bug report. This item is now marked as feedback-logged. If there is an existing bug report or one is created, we will move this thread to bug-logged


Good. Its rendered unplayable by this bug, using the controller is no better as its the complete opposite, takes about ten minutes to do a full rotation, no matter the sensitivity settings.


Same thing here on Xbox Series X, cannot use mouse to move camera…


Same here. For those who have experience in shooter games, this feels very similar to mouse acceleration which I hate.


This is one of the most annoying issues that I’m handling. mouse speed is not workable, reverse axis in the yoke, reverse axis in the throtle, the list just increase. since the launch I wasn’t able to perform any flight. this so sad!


Same here. Just tried almost everything and nothing helped

trying to save and load custom cameras is a pain. like OP describes there is something seriously wrong with the axises and degrees you can look up/down. After I load a custom camera I cant look directly down or up. Its a mess.

On top of that, the horrible “hidden” mouse acceleration effect and controller glue as Im panning.

Im actually impressed they made it worse than 2020. You would think 2024 would be better in every aspect. UI is also horrible and counter intuitive/confusing and annoying.

It feels like the talent in these studios are leaving one by one.

But hey, we got high resolution trees, grass and rhinos in our flight simulator :laughing:


Toggle cockpit view freelook doesnt work at all. Cant use mouse to look around.
EDIT: okay, its double binding. When you use hat on your yoke the mouse cant be used. Weird. Worked well in 2020.


I have the problem both, on cockpit and during walk arround.

Xbox X


Second this. I unplugged my joystick and right click free look works. As soon as you touch the hat the mouse stops working.


Interesting, I never use the hat switch, I didn’t change any of the default bindings for it though (if there are any, I didn’t check them at all).

After I went back to main menu a few times and restarted flight it seemingly rectified this bug, but I ran into other bugs and still wasn’t able to play the game.

@tabasco3234, I’d suggest editing the OP to reflect the finding that this only happens after using a joystick hat switch with free look.

Problem exists even if you don’t have joystick.


Hi, I have the same issue. I try re-mapping looking around to invert up and down. However, the action that gets recorded records as if I moved the stick both up and down. Same with left and right… I tried re-mapping in 2020 and it works perfectly. Instead of one icon on the “R” symbol in the direction I pointed, I get an icon on both the top and bottom of the “R” symbol. Again, works fine in 2020 and the controller has been re-synced to my xbox.

same problem here like you, i am on PC and mouse doesnt work in freecam anymore. it happens each time as soon i just touch my flight deck stick or throttle, doesn’t matter what button on both i touch, as soon i touch it, the mouse freecam stops working inside the cockpit. only outside it is working and on foot

(UPDATE : today 4 days after my post i did figure out what the issue was. it seems like that the mouse does have a conflict with the stick and or gamepad keybinds.
if anyone has the same issue with their mouse freelook inside the cockpit just do this : go to controls and select your Stick controls and or if you use gamepad and mouse select your gamepad, and find there (ps do not forget to take a copy of your controls before making any change

and remove the keybinds on both

save and now it should fix the mouse freelook inside the plane
i hope this will help some out.


:white_check_mark: SIM INFORMATION

This is vital information for our test team, please do not skip it or your issue may not be able to be reproduced or fixed.

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 or 2024:

  • Version Build Number (Where do I locate that?):

  • Game Platform (Exampe: Steam, Xbox, MS Store):

:white_check_mark: ISSUE DESCRIPTION

  1. Description of the issue:
    When using freelook with a mouse, the input appears to be very sensative. A small movement results is wildly erratic movement.

  2. Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?

:white_check_mark: FREQUENCY OF ISSUE

How often does this occur for you? (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)
Every time

:white_check_mark: REPRODUCTION STEPS

Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue.

  1. Connect a mouse to an Xbox
  2. Try using freelook with mouse by holding down right mouse button and moving the mouse.
  3. Happens with stock settings or re-mapped, and adjusted sensitivities.

:white_check_mark: YOUR SETTINGS

If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the User Support Hub.

  1. What peripherals are you using, if relevant:
    Xbox Elite controller with wireless mouse and keyboard.

  2. [PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?

  3. [PC, MSFS 2020 Only] Are you using DX11 or DX12?

  4. [PC Only] What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use?

  5. [PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share?

:white_check_mark: MEDIA


:loudspeaker: For anyone who wants to contribute on this issue, Click on the button below to use this template:

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:


Just change options-camera-freelook speed to something low. Same for freelook momentum.

I tried that. The lowest setting is 10 and that stops movement all together. Even setting the freelook speed to 11 AND setting the mouse’s axis sensitivty to 50% makes no difference.

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