MSFS 2020 is Heartbreaking!

A different bug :frowning: Yes there are static problems on runways as well, still, and more introduced with every world update. Usually it’s a mismatch between the default terrain and photogrammetry data. Sometimes turning PG data off helps, but then there’s still a chance the airport overlay isn’t aligned properly to the terrain or the terrain has invisible spikes.

@willisxdc I was trying to find a repeatable test flight to measure the impact of various settings under a controlled environment. Basically bug hunting. The bugs are in the approach paths which are (more) messed up since SU6. This approach looked alright in the world map (many are already identifiable as useless by the spaghetti knots in the flight planner) but still the AI expects the runway at the wrong altitude.

Here are my other attempts…

I’m going to fly the FBW A32NX now, probably landing it manually again as ATC and approach paths are out to kill you! Lol my co-pilot already filed the IFR plan while the radio was still off. I guess he used his cell phone :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, the AI not being able to land is as much a bug in the simulation as everything else. If the flight plans and approach paths, runway heights etc were correct, the AI would be able to land.

I had take off clearance. What is this plane gliding over the runway without wheels doing there

And why do I get generic liveries again, that setting is off. Every flight, more questions!