Msfs 2024 aircraft lighting

Anyone else have this issue there is no exterior lighting on any aircraft (beacon nav lights, strobes)


I tested my favorite plane and the lights are there but are not visible unless you get close. DHC-6 Twin Otter needs better lighting.


Some of the planes (e.g. CubCrafter NX) currently have problems with exterior lights (cockpit buttons are disabled), so they are indeed not working. For others, the new lighting model seems to have made them less visible. Hopefully that will be adjusted in time.

There is also a related problem where the interior lighting from the cockpit panels, when viewed externally, is flickering due to those textures apparently being refreshed/reloaded rather slowly (similar to when you switch between external and cockpit view).


Well ive tested the 737 max the a330 and the a400m with no exterior lights visible at all

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Yep, I’m only seeing lights on planes within about 20 feet. Further than that and they’re suddenly completely invisible. And when you are close enough to see them, they’re extremely dim. So not just “less visible” but completely useless.

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Lets hope this is fixed in one of the upcoming updates sooner rather than later :crossed_fingers:t2:

+1 although in my case it’s not consistent. Sometimes the lights are there, sometimes not.

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Yes, please vote!

Seems the lights only show at night time like they are programmed that way. However during day time missions all interior and exterior lights switches are on but no visible indication on the aircraft. Cessna Caravan cargo mission in EKRN. Stormy weather.