Text-editable modelmatching file that we could set to specific liveries to be used
Updates to all airports with correct gates for airlines
Some models have props that do not move during AI traffic taxi
Asobo should allow people to upload liveries right to a database that downloads, say, a real-life Piper Arrow’s livery that the pilot/owner/or fan has created digitally. This way we could get the regional clubs/schools/institutions/organizations’ general aviation liveries streamed as we come across them while flying - with the endorsement of said organizations.
(This could also promote the clubs to the userbase of the sim and be a real partnership)
That being said, I have found it is still off. Not as much as 2020, but not as accurate as PSXT + RealTraffic.
I had Flight1’s (I think it was them) Ultimate Traffic for FS2004 and you could edit in a ton of liveries, including specials that would show up randomly, without duplication. Although it didn’t use FR24 data (obviously — it was based on schedules) it was way ahead of its time!
It almost feels as if we’ve gone backwards with regard to real-world AI traffic.
I wonder if the solution could be to just use the 24 hour schedules loaded in Flight radar and then plug into the sim instead of using live data, which completes things.
I’d rather the live data, and unfortunately, at this time MSFS 24 doesn’t meet the same level of punctuality and modelmatching that a third-party standalone injector does
I already asked this in another topic… I see live traffic movement at airports, but they all only have default liveries from Boeing and Airbus.
But there seem to be real airline liveries in the sim as well, as you can see on static planes. Is this the case for everyone?
Live air traffic is unfortunately quite broken. There is no improvement at all noticeable from 2020 (maybe a fair amount of regression).
Planes spawn suddenly, disappear on landing, hover around and have unrealistically short landings and takeoffs.
Livery matching is somewhat functional but seems to fall back to the defaults a fair bit. Planes also don’t always stream in properly or are being too aggressively Lod’ed out and lose wings / fuselages / landing gear and engines.
I recommend using FSLTL or one of the ATC programs that inject traffic instead as it’s almost certain the default offering will never get improved if the track record from FS2020 is to be followed.
To be fair though there was no mention of any improvement here outside of the liveries, so I guess temper your expectations.
Just did a quick test in KJFK and KSFO …
I see a lot of live traffic but only with default Boeing and Airbus liveries. Except in KSFO, where I actually spotted a few United.
After switching to AI traffic, all moving air traffic disappears and no new moving aircraft appear.
What you always see are static airplanes with actual real airline liveries. But they just stand around. That may look like live traffic or ai traffic with liveries is working. But if you switch “Traffic Airport Quality” to off, the static aircraft disappear. Then I can clearly see the problem.
No AI traffic for me and live traffic (almost) without real airline liveries. For me, that’s broken.
I see AIG’s injector is now working in msfs2024, I personally use the Beyond ATC injector, though I wish it was just always on instead of being linked to a flight plan. I hope FSLTL will also follow suit soon.