MSFS 2024 Preorder

Could we get a link to preorder the various versions of MSFS 2024. I don’t know anyone in this forum that will not pre-order the moment it is made available.


What would be the benefit of preordering. I understand that if you preorder hardware, the advantage is that you will get your order as soon as the first batch is ready to ship, but how does that translate to software?


You do now! I won’t be pre-ordering. I’ve been bitten too many times with pre-orders for games. I am going to wait to see how well received FS24 is, especially its download speeds.


So I believe you haven’t been following the forum very often

I don’t feel like there will be a rush to move to MSFS 2024, especially when many people have invested hundreds or thousands of dollars in addons that work perfectly on MSFS 2020 and are not guaranteed to work out of the box on MSFS 2024 on day 1, despite Microsoft/Asobo have said there will be compatibility.

I believe many will wait until the initial MSFS 2024 bugs are fixed and there is clarification on compatibility of existing addons.

Furthermore, there will be ZERO benefit from pre-purchasing a digital product that won’t sell out.


I’m with @PathlessSpore60, I don’t really see the point / need to pre-order downloadable software / content.


The only advantage in preording softwate is if you get earlier access to it before its official release date. Or if there is exclusive content included.

It really seems like a tactic to grab the impulse buyer. Ive even seen preorders with inflated prices.


Or maybe a pre-order sale price? --Redeye

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Any idea for MSFS2024 on line date ?

Nothing, lots of speculation we will find out tomorrow during the XBOX Game Showcase.


Hi @ragingsamster & @Coleo91 , i think pre orders will be live after xbox showcase 2024. Stay tuned at june 9th 10 am PT. :slightly_smiling_face:


Unless there is some significant upsides of pre ordering like some exclusive addons (which I hate any way) which I absolutely must have, i plan to try it on game pass first to ensure that most of my most used add-ons and external softwares work with the new sim. Only after verifying that I’ll purchase a full copy. If that means waiting for a few months to get more updates to the sim as well as the addons, I’ll wait.


Even for a 7 day early access, I won’t like to preorder. I’ll dust up my gamepass sub however for a few months.

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"Preorders don’t mean anything. All it means is you’re paying for a game some dudes in California havent even finished yet.

You know what you get for preordering a game?"

10am??? Why at stupid oclock in the morning!!! I haven’t even had my coffee yet

I’ve seen instances where preordering actually downloaded the software in advance of general availability so that when it was released, it becomes active and you don’t end up in the backlog of people competing to download it when the servers are getting hammered. That’s the only advantage I can see.

IIRC, Starfield did this.


Sir, I would be happy to relieve your regret by allowing you to pre-order one for me, too! :+1:


I’m in no hurry to toss out an MSFS 2020 installation that is working perfectly for me. I’ll do as I did with MSFS 2020–wait and see which way the prevailing winds are blowing.


In person, I don’t see the benefits of pre-ordering software.
I’m currently very satisfied with MSFS2020.
Sure… as many others, I’m also hungry for MSFS2024 but not that much hungry to click the buy button as soon as MSFS2024 becomes available.
I’ll be patient and keep an eye on the reviews after release.
Not sure if I can stand the temptation on release day though.

Topic moved into MSFS 2024

I mainly fly bush missions. You tend to be low for those. Many of the advancements of FS2024 that we know about, they enhance VFR flight. So I will want those to enhance the experience.

I have a 4TB m.2 Windows drive, and 2 4TB m.2 drives RAIDed into 8TB. I have plenty of room for both the MSFS 2020 and FS2024 installs. Will I run into bugs? Possibly. I run into the risk of a crash with every update to the sim and every addon I purchase. It hasn’t stopped me from using MSFS 2020. So why should that scare me with FS2024?

I dont know about the new features, whether I will like them or not, or what there will be. But a bush flight is a bush flight. That functionality is going to be in the sim. I don’t see anything that FS2024 could do that would discourage me from my main activity, unless I was encountering a major crash, which I have faith would be fixed relatively soon.