MSFS constantly asks for CD and resets all sim settings to default

I’m starting to become very angry, frustrated and annoyed with Microsoft and Asobo.
Starting about two weeks ago MSFS frequently asks me to insert the CD of the game, after launching it. In the beginning I could not understand the reason for that, but I searched in the forums and found out that I had to log in on MSFS store.
The worst of all is that, after launching the Sim every setting is reset to default. Last time I had to spend more than one hour customizing my settings and defining keyboard, mouse, and joystick bindings. Today the sim asked again for the CD, I logged on to my account on the MS store, but when I launched MSFS all the settings were again set to default, and my previous work totally lost.
This is absolutely exasperating.
Please, anyone help.

Best wishes to all,

This is usually an indication that something has broken with your authentication/login with MS-Store and/or XBox for Windows Gaming Services.

Low-effort step: Log out and log back in on both MS-Store and XBox Gaming Services. Restart the sim.

High-level effort step: Check for updates in both services as well as pending Windows updates. Install all and reboot the PC entirely. Apply low-effort step for caution purposes if desired.

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When I launch the Xbox app I got a dialog box saying something like this: “We could not login into your Microsoft account. It seems that your accont in the Store has a problem”

How can I overcome this?

I would go to MS-Store first and see if you can cleanly log out then log back in. They’re separate services.

Yes, in MS-Store I can logout and login back again without problems, so why the Xbox app keeps saying that there is a problem with the account?

It’s noteworthy that I’ve had similar issues with the XBOX app several times last week. Each time, I have to log out of the XBOX app, restart the PC and log back into the XBOX app. All apps are up-to-date and nothing was changed on the system. This NEVER happened in 3.5 years of using the sim almost every day, so something is getting borked on the MS authentication side of things and I strongly urge MS to look into this to alleviate these frustrating issues post-haste.

Other than that, you may wish to contact XBox support directly.

You can also check this post:

The same with me. I use the sim since it was launched, back in August 2020, and this had never happened to me. Now I don’t even know if it is worthy to spend tons of time redefining all setting again, when the problem can occur just a few days later :frowning_face:

User of MSFS since february 2020 (Alpha tester) I have been experiencing this problem for the last two weeks.
I start the PC, check MS store and in the avatar icon my initials don’t appear but clicking it looks like I’m logged. But in Xbox appears the error dialog box .

I have spent too much time trying the settings with no success.

At start (I use this PC only for Flight simulators) I check the state on MS store, and if no initials I click the icon, close session in the store and reopen and then all is OK.

I’m testing if keeping open MS Store when turning off the PC works, I’ll report if it works.

The validation process trough Store and Xbox is annoying.
Same for the intrincated way MSFS is installed including the difficulties of moving it to another dirve.

Thank you, CasualClick, your suggested low-effort-approach has worked for me. :slight_smile:

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A good topic for the ones that are still experiencing those issues:

This all doesn’t work for me, I have this now 2 times in 3 day’s. I’m done. Good luck with 2024.