MSFS not shutting down

Sorry if this is the wrong place to paste
Does anybody else have4 the issue with Steam that the sim does not shut down.
Click on exit to desktop but the thing is still running in Steam as per attachment.
I click on stop in the Steam app but nothing happens.
Any thoughts from Steam users appreciated


I haven’t seen that issue, but I’d use Task Manager to kill any remaining MSFS and Steam processes. Is this a once-off or a recurring issue?

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It’s not happening to me but I don’t have the Steam version.

Per @Nyx1819 recommendation use Task Manager, find the sim under “processes” and right click to “end task”. If this keeps happening, it sounds like some process needs to keep running which prevents shutting down your sim. You can try to weed out which process(es) is causing this by looking at them while you have Task Manager open. To delve even deeper, you can look for process “dependencies” by running services.msc which is slightly more complicated. Perhaps someone here with better IT skills than mine could steer you in the right direction.

After SU5, Steam app does not recognize that MSFS is no longer running for whatever reason. I’ve even filed a report to zendesk. I has been silence from them but still.
You have to close Steam app, and open it again in order to launch MSFS again. Also find and kill logitech plugin exe process if you have one - it also does not stop when MSFS stops.


It is a recurring issue.
I am thinking of doing as reinstall of MSFS.

Might be a good idea, take a look here for instructions on how to do a clean install:âś“&query=uninstall.

Thankyou for the information, invaluable

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