MSFS VFR Map does Not show VFR Waypoints. Only IFR

I am disapointed that the VFR Map in MSFS show the IFR waypoints and not the VFR Waypoints as it is supposed to do. I fly mostly in the area NZHS and NZNR as I do as a VFR real life pilot.
Anything I can do to change the map?

About the only way I’ve found is to set up a VFR direct flight plan in the WM, then add waypoints over your desired areas. Neither the WM or VFR map are sufficiently detailed right now to add “wonderful” points, but you can get a bit closer to setting up a route with VFR waypoints.
I’ve attached a screenshot, where I did what I described above. Once you’ve got the points set up on the WM, they’ll transfer to the VFR map. At least on the WM, you can zoom in enough to pick some “reasonable” waypoints. Just don’t expect too much!
Hope that helps some.

If you’re on PC, maybe try Little NavMap. You can plan your flight an in there (some VFR waypoints are included in the default database), and then export the flight plan to MSFS.

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Excellent suggestion!

For those that don’t know, Little Navmap is amazing. The features and functionality are unmatched. And the developer is very active with frequent updates.

For anyone who hasn’t tried it, do yourself a HUGE favor and try it out. It is the one program that I use every single time I fire up the sim and would hate to be without it!


For those who aren’t familiar: It’s like ForeFlight for simulators, except it is free. You can plan your flights there (including fuel burn, using performance profiles that you can download) and then import the flight plan into MSFS where it will have been pre-loaded into your aircraft’s GPS. It even works as a moving map display, and you can export your track to third party software like Google Earth afterwards, if you want to review your flight there.

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Thanks, but you shouldn’t have to create a flight plan in order to see VFR waypoints on the map. I’m not creating a flightplan everytime in real life flying either. MSFS is clearly wrong to show detailed IFR points and then call it a VFR map. All the VFR waypoints are missing.
I guess, the only way arround is to project my tablet with EFB app on the PC screen.

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I don’t know which EFB app you’re using but there are ways to interface MSFS with ForeFlight and have ForeFlight show your current position.

And while I agree that MSFS’ database is lacking, you could maybe subscribe to Simbrief. Their system includes the latest AIRAC data, and it is compiled into the game’s data format so that you always have the latest AIRAC data in game. I can’t say for certain that the data includes the VFR waypoints, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t.

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I think you’ve found something badly broken. For some reason VFR waypoints have disappeared. I tried creating a VFR flight plan using Navigraph adding only VFR waypoints. In the US, all VFR waypoints begin with “V” for easy identification. Navigraph created the flight plan correctly. When imported into the World Map, the flight path was displayed correctly but the waypoints disappeared. Zooming in on the World Map and changing the display filters to show Navaids and Waypoints, no VFR waypoints were visible. Starting the flight, the FMC showed all the VFR waypoints correctly. As noted in the title, no VFR waypoints were displayed on the VFR Map but the flight path was drawn correctly. In addition, searching for VFR waypoints either on the World Map or VFR Map could not find any.

The last thing I noticed was the World Map importing VFR flight plans incorrectly. Even though it is clearly stated in the flight plan that it is VFR, after importing, it shows as IFR Low Altitude. Changing it to VFR deletes all the waypoints.

Something is badly broken!

@PacificSet90456: Maybe log a bug report? I usually hand-write my VFR flight plans and keep them on my knee board along with my paper charts, so I don’t use this feature. But I am pretty sure it used to be possible to import a Little NavMap flight plan in the world map without the glitches you describe.

The “VFR Map” had never anything to do with a real VFR map. Where are the roads, forests, masts, bridges, terrain details, city / vilage boundries, navigation points, sector altitudes, airspaces, … list goes on.
It always was just a low effort gimmick created based on what you have inside the G1000.

This is how a VFR map looks like:



Hi, for VFR flights i use “FSKNEEBOARD” there is a free version and a paid version. it works in VR.


That’s where the freeware Little NavMap (or ForeFlight if you have a subscription) come in. You can link the sim to both and see all of that on those applications’ moving map display. Many of the digital aviation charts aren’t available for free (especially Canadian VFR charts), but the default charts in Little NavMap are passable because the airspaces are overlaid, independent of the underlying charts.

Navigraph now also has VFR charts. Although flight planning in Little Nav Map is better. Just a bit too complicated in my opinion. For a typical Vfr flight all you should need is cruise speed and average wind. All performance details it requires are an overkill.

I am replying to my post because I have updates and corrections after doing some additional checking.

VFR Waypoints are 5 alpha characters beginning with “V”. (format CCCCC) The VFR flight plan I created in Navigraph shows some VFR waypoints as 2 alpha characters and 3 numeric characters (format CCNNN. For some reason, the Navigraph waypoints CCNNN are not in the FAA database of waypoints and not shown on any FAA maps. I think this is why they do not show up in MSFS. The regular waypoints are in the FAA database, Navigraph, and MSFS.

Navigraph didn’t create my flight plans correctly as they included VFR Waypoints not in the FAA database. (I checked what Little Nav Map does with these waypoints. Navigraph describes their waypoints as intersections and LNM showed them as “not found” errors. However if these waypoints as “user defined”, LNM is happy because user waypoints aren’t in any database.)

This was puzzling! I found something strange. The World Map creates two types of flight plans: VFR and IFR. These each have two variations: VFR “none”, VFR VOR to VOR, IFR (Low Altitude), IFR (High Altitude). Looking at the XML of the Navigraph flight plan, it shows my flight plan as “VFR (Low Altitude)” which is not a valid flight plan type. The World Map import changed it to IFR (Low Altitude) figuring I don’t know how to spell IFR. Navigraph should not be creating VFR (Low Altitude) flight plans.

There are definitely a couple of things wrong with Navigraph flight plans. I could not find anything wrong with MSFS VFR Waypoints in the US except the OP mentioned two airports in New Zealand. I have no idea how New Zealand (or any other country) VFR waypoints look like.

Sorry for any confusion!


Current VFR map also does not show USER/CUSTOM Waypoint labels…

Nice troubleshooting research. Have you reported it to Navigraph?

OH yes – many times but they don’t seem to be convinced, so, to be blunt - I have given up wasting my time trying to convince them. I need a bigger stick,

I’m happy, I believe I know what the issue is and a work around solution, (Process any world map generated flight plans with user waypoints, through LNM to reformat them) but it is a fools errant for an unknown to convince an expert that they may be wrong.

There is more than one issue here, and it’s probably more an Asobo/WT issue with the world map (save / load) , than a Navigraph issue.

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I was thinking about this the other day. It would be nice if they’d add the VFR waypoints into the MSFS database. For example, flying into John Wayne airport while on PilotEdge, the controllers will often ask VFR traffic to fly via Mile Square Park. There’s a VFR waypoint there (VPLMS), but it’s not in the game’s database. None of the others are either. Does anyone know if there’s a wishlist item for this? I couldn’t find one?

I have added a wishlist item for this. It is here:

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Is your wish item not the same than this one ?: