MSFS2020 Will not save settings (FIX)

I HAVE A FIX: After 8 days of fighting this thing tooth and nail, I have fixed the issue. I will try to remember exactly what I did and will monitor this thread if you need help. Please try this:

  1. Boot Windows 10.
  2. Log in to the ADMIN login name. ( Probably the original name you first installed MSFS2020 ).
  3. Go into Microsoft Store. Once there LOG OUT!
  4. Make a new LOGIN in Windows 10 settings and give the new one ADMIN privilege’s.
  5. Sign OUT of Windows 10 and reboot.
  6. Sign IN to the new Account you just created.
  7. Go thru any Windows 10 changes you need to like screen size etc.
  8. Once you are happy with the new Win10 setup, reboot and sign BACK into that same NEW account.
  9. Install xBox app for PC.
  10. You should have XBOX, XBOX CONSOLE and XBOX COMPANION in your start menu.
  11. Once those are installed, open MS STORE and log in with the original login. ( The same one you logged OUT OF on the other, original sign in.
  12. Install MSFS2020.
    When I did this, it actually opened up with all my original CLOUD settings and log book.
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that did not work for me
do i have to uninstall msfs 2020 and re-install??

Does anyone answer this? I also have the same problem

This is absolutely ridiculous. WHY should the players spend all this time trying to fix a problem that is entirely Microsoft’s problem. It seems to me that the players are being cheated by Microsoft because Microsoft won’t fix these problems, leaving it up to customers to find some strange esoteric solution to a Microsoft problem. Microsoft needs to fix this and until they do, I will not play this game. Perhaps MSFS2024 will be a better offering. Really is a shame, this could have been a great game, instead of a ‘flawed’ game.

Hi @merryjohn4820
Can’t speak to what was going on in previous years as I did not have the sim then, but for recent issues, this topic might help explain & provide possible solutions: