[MSFS2024] Airbus Helicopter H125

Please use this thread to provide general feedback and impressions about this aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. For all bug reports, please create a new topic (or upvote an existing topic) in the Aircraft & Systems section of the forums. Please use the full bug report template when creating a new bug report.

On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Flight Model and Aircraft Systems?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Interior and Exterior Graphics?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Audio and Aircraft Sounds?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate your Overall Enjoyment of this aircraft?
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my aircraft sounds appear to be missing… other aircraft / helis are fine.

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The glass cockpit panel in the center of the dash board is too dim (even when cranked up to 100% brightness) to be easily readable. That’s in VR at least, haven’t tried it in 2d yet.


I agree. The effect is really nice and looks realistic, but it’s harder to read than the real thing. Like it’s not simulating enough backlight on the pixels.

I’m really happy with the flight modeling and overall simulation of the H125. This and the R66 being the two helicopters in the sim I have real world time in.

The sounds are spot on. Handling feels right where it should be, but I need to consult with some others who have more time in it.

The rotor modeling without the assists on feels more refined and is more subtly doing what it’s supposed to. There still needs to be work on the ground effect airflow, and the airflow around the edges of buildings/structures, but it feels like a step up from 2020.

It feels like a helicopter when I’m flying it. Just a smidge bit more than it did in the old sim.


Can’t get the trim to work. Neither the rotor longitudinal/ lateral trim commands, nor the H125-specific trim commands do anything.



@PathlessSpore60 @belatu42
In regards to the brightness, I found some extra brightness buttons (square ones) on the right hand side of the displays which really brightens up those two displays.


Unfortunately I prefer cowansim h125 (I play 90% h125 and c310, barely touching other planes) . In asobo ones it feel very static on hover. Not really moving / balancing. The brightness in the cockpit, especially in VR at night is way too much even though you put the minimum.


Same here; I’m quite sure that the control input are correct on the configuration page because of the other helicopters is works. Only on the H125 doesn’t work


Love the visual details on it, sound is spot on! Flight model wise i only have a couple of ferry hours as a tech in L/H seat but i like it… But
Had an old friend (colleague) over in my sim rig yesterday and his feedback after 15 years in the real AS350/H125 was:

  • It´s not decending fast enough in autorotation
  • Cyclic response is to slow
  • When doing 140Kts you have cyclic pushed almost all the way forward, that is not realistic.
  • He also mentioned when flairing for landing and pulls collective he miss the initial bite of the main rotor…
  • Ground effect he felt was strange, like to digital on/off

Apart from above he was really impressed :slight_smile:

This review is in no way about complaining, but I feel his feedback really can improve this model together with others feedback.

This was flown in a rig with Virpil controls, no springs, set up for helicopter flying, and of course in VR.

Cheers /Dennis


Trim is not standard on the H125 in real world…

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Visually very well done. Dynamics-wise ok, sluggisch controls, steady slow response on collective and cyclic, but why the heck did they bring up the old helipad-jump-bug again? I hope that gets ironed out very soon. Experienced it myself and also found videos online: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 (Asobo Studio) | runs alot better in vr than 2020 and looks alot better, ripples in water are cool looks so real in the headset (quest 3 with a 3070) | Facebook


Thank you Dennis for your answer, I didn’t know.
If I remember correctly, the trim worked on the cowan sim h125 in msfs 2020, so I thought it should also work on the standard h125 in msfs 2024.
So the h125 in msfs 2024 simulates better the real counterpart :grinning:

So, how do we make it work then? Some how it has to be trimmed… Right?


The Transponder is missing, which is important for online flying.

And there is a huge problem with elevated helipads. Once you reach the corner of the helipad, the helicopter gets bumped in the air and to the side.
Feels like the problem we had before with MSFS2020 that you could solve later.


I’m a real world helicopter pilot with over 1,000 hours in H125’s. I found it to be pretty unrealistic. No voltage drop upon start. Interior sounds are way too quiet. No flight report page after shutdown. Strange engine sounds even after engine shutdown. I’ll have to play around with it more but it seems like they got the textures and modeling pretty darn good.


What would you say is the most realistic helicopter in msfs 2024 so far?

I’m completely split right now on the Asobo AStar. Feels a little clunky to control and the force trim setting doesn’t feel right, or I just haven’t got a hang/feel of it like I do in 2020 with Cowans AStar.

I am a little miffed that a Helicopter performing SAR Hoisty ops, Sling loads and passenger ferrying without floats on the skids. Any helicopter performing extended operations over water should have emergency floats and passengers should all have PFD (Personal Flotation Devices.) Again these are basic Aviation rules, has anyone at MS/Asobo opened a FAR/AIM? :open_book:

§ 136.11 Rotorcraft floats for over water.

(a) A rotorcraft used in commercial air tours over water beyond the shoreline must be equipped with fixed floats or an inflatable flotation system adequate to accomplish a safe emergency ditching, if—

(1) It is a single-engine rotorcraft; or

(2) It is a multi-engine rotorcraft that cannot be operated with the critical engine inoperative at a weight that will allow it to climb, at least 50 feet a minute, at an altitude of 1,000 feet above the surface, as provided in the approved aircraft flight manual for that aircraft.

(b) Each rotorcraft that is required to be equipped with an inflatable flotation system under this section must have:

(1) The activation switch for the flotation system on one of the primary flight controls; and

(2) The flotation system armed when the rotorcraft is over water beyond the shoreline and is flying at a speed that does not exceed the maximum speed prescribed in the approved aircraft flight manual for flying with the flotation system armed.

(c) Neither fixed floats nor an inflatable flotation system is required for a rotorcraft under this section when that rotorcraft is:

(1) Over water only during the takeoff or landing portion of the flight; or

(2) Operated within power-off gliding distance to the shoreline for the duration of the flight and each occupant is wearing a life preserver from before takeoff until the aircraft is no longer over water.

[Docket No. FAA-2022-1563; Amdt. No. 136

I’m also a little miffed still that Asobo didn’t even ask CowanSimulations to develop for 2024. My post from a month ago…


Check the day/night knob above it. For some reason it defaults to night.


Godawful is what my experience with it is so far. Using a VKB Gladiator, lateral and longitudinal trim inputs simply do not work. Not on the H125 nor the Cabri G2. In case of the H125 this leads to the workout of a lifetime having to push the flight stick the entire flight from the second the skids leave the ground to landing at a near 60% pitch to counter the crafts intense desire to just embed itself into the floor, same with the violent jerking of the nose downward. This is easier to counter but still would be a lot nicer to be able to trim it.

I have no idea yet how one is supposed to keep the helicopter steady once I get into hoist and SAR operation cause with non working trim, I have a feeling the fun factor of the activity I looked forward to the most will be severely dampened if not entirely crushed by Asobo’s inability to deliver a working product.

All I’m saying is “placeholder” being a voiceline programmed into the AI, constantly spoken during passanger flight missions with helicopters. Make of that what you will.


That was it, thanks!