Everytime I want to start the game I get after exact 20 seconds an error code. I can’t start my simulator anymore! Yesterday evening everything was OK!
What’s going on now? Anybody have the same issue?
Thanks for your help.
Hey mate, I’m also getting this error. Has been fine for the last few days then now this. Have reinstalled, repaired etc. etc. Just wont start up
I found my issue. It was a software update for my motion Plattform. After I got a fix it’s working again. Try to turn of any new software if you have.
Your kidding, cubic systems by any chance?
Exactly! ForceSeatPm just got an hotfix Beta! Try to get it!
That makes total sense, applied the update for the profile for 2024 and ever since not working. I did post in the qubic discord but then deleted it thinking how could it be possible. I don’t see another update to resolve this issue. I have been essentially rebuilding my PC over the last 12hrs lol
I’m so sorry! I was nearly freaking out and then I saw the post in the Motionsystems Discord! I’m good in contact with this guys!
I´m also having the same problem, this motion platform and dont know how to get the beta fix. Do I have to register for their beta program?
Yes, I am getting this same error after 25 seconds loading time. Started immediately after the 1st update downloaded and installed. I do not have the motion system, nor was there any update except FSRealistic, which I uninstalled. No joy.
what speed is your ram running at?
Ram speed? Default. How to check?
Update: I registered on the motionssystems.eu discord for beta testing and could get the beta fix. and it fixed the ctds when starting the sim. thanks for the hint ATBandre
yes it s work with the new beta software with qubic system, no more error !
I got all time this error since today…I got also a motion platform, but one from NextLevelRacing which also had an update today. I went back to previous version, but still no chance to start the sim.
I have opened a Bug Report:
I’ve used your screenshot, becaue I got exactly the same
I have the very same error after updating the firm of my next level v3. Any idea?
I will try to roll back to a windows restore point, a day before…hope that helps. Can check that tomorrow, will post the result.
I already read in NLR discord, that few motion platform users have the same issues. It seems that a deinstallation of platform-manger should help:
It worked! Thanks!! If you reinstall the platform-manager you get the same issue? Going to try