in the sim. i regularly use it to taxi without overspeeding. Carenado’s reversers are also set up (correctly) so that the bottom 30% of THROTTLE AXIS 1 (0 to 100%) maps to beta/reverse, which lines up perfectly with the reverser detent on the ATC Throttle (once you set a custom curve). meanwhile, the Asobo Cessna 208B THROTTLE AXIS 1 (0 to 100%) is mapped to nothing. the bottom 30% is just 0% throttle.
EDIT: i see now Asobo have created a unique and special THROTTLE SET axis which ONLY works with the C208 (it’s saved in the Specific 208B Grand Caravan EX controls config) and which behaves exactly like THROTTLE AXIS 1 (0 to 100%) does for every other single-engine plane. i guess they had to be different. thanks, Asobo.
there’s also a PROPELLOR SET axis (again, unique to the C208), which with the following custom curve will permit you to feather and unfeather using the TCA Throttle reverser detent (on, say, JOYSTICK LAXIS Y).
and throttle as indicated by @PirateAntz
the plane can now land without wingdropping and cartheeling, which, as it turns out, was caused chiefly by chopping the throttle when the bottom of the normal throttle axis is (by default) halfway into the beta range.
additional tips from the EFB checklist: apply full back stick when braking during the rollout to prevent the nose tipping over (another fun gotcha).