[MSFS2024] Cessna 408 SkyCourier

So long story short you don’t need them right now, and you probably don’t even want them. There’s a separate volume for the takeoff and landing tables and then another volume for the cruise tables. I’d be very surprised to see if someone uploaded them somewhere. I’d be even more surprised if the sim a/c actually follows the published figures anyway. The various performance data for this a/c consists of something like 800 pages worth of tables. If these guys wanted to get serious they would just have the EFB query the current weather, runway conditions and aircraft loading/config and spit out your V1, Vr, V2, Venr, Vref speeds and TOFL interpolated from those tables. Right now you can’t even input V-Speeds. And the POH/AFM isn’t gonna be worth anything to anyone right now because the sim aircraft has switches programmed in such a way that following the actual A/C checklist will not start the aircraft. Pretty much the same thing can be expected for the rest of the normal procedures. You’re just as well off B-Sing the procedures until there’s a rework.


For a sea level flaps 1 takeoff at MGTOW ISA winds calm dry runway:
V1: 89
Vr: 93
V2: 100
Venr: 113
TO distance 3800’

Flying the line I use Vapp 120 and Vref 105 for landings (flaps 2, FAF inbound 120KIAS, decelerating through Vref while crossing the threshold 50’AGL. At 18,600lb this should result in about 3000’ landing distance at winds calm going into fine w/ braking. reversers should shorten it a bit more.)


Thank you so much! It’s so frustrating not to have any clue about how to operate these planes :angry:. When finally we have almost all the Fedex feeders fleet, it’s almost so frustrating than all the bugs that they are suffering.

About the start up, I have the feeling that they have tried to replicate the startup of the Caravan. Although as you as said, it’s very different. I don’t know if the reason it’s the lack of information or… time.

I am not sure, but is this model one of the encrypted planes?

Let me ask you, could you give us a conservative settings for FL100 cruise? I am aware that it may not be correctly simulated, but for the enjoyment of trying to simulate the procedures correctly.

After takeoff we pull the power back about 10% and pull the props back to 1500 (props will stay at 1500 for the rest of the flight until shutdown unless an abnormal procedure occurs or missed approach). Then push the power levers back up to the torque bugs. We don’t really have a torque readout on the engine gauges it’s shown as a percentage (see my photo above). But in cruise you should be trueing out at around 190-200 with 750-800 pph per side.


That might explain why the R66 doesn’t always show up in the All Aircraft listing, or why the SkyCourier is selected after I (eventually managed to) fly the Robbie, even though I have never loaded the SkyCourier.

Potentially useful tip, thanks.

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Thank you so much. It was really insightful. These tips allow me enjoy the addon much more.


It definitely acts like you haven’t try the plane :wink:

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The aircraft systems are not correctly modeled. Looks like a 408 but as far as flipping switches and running procedures go- all bets are off.


Condition lever is modelled as a switch.

From dev-mode/spad.next:



The inop COM/NAV frequency stuff is unbelievably irritating. Has anyone gotten this to work, maybe using bound keys?

The state of all these aircraft, good lord. What a mess.

I did discover I can turn down my radio and pretended I don’t have it once the ATC takes a powder and refuses to change my freq anymore. This, the ignitions switches, and other issues are why they should require developers include a manual with the aircraft. And there should be a manual for the sim itself. A help section if you like. I think they hope these forums will cover that base but having such references available in sim would be a great help.

As I mentioned on the c208 post, please, consider voting this request for the beta range in all the turboprops in FS24. They are rockets during taxi.

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The 408 doesn’t have a beta range per se, it has a ground fine setting. What you would probably consider a beta range is actually ‘hidden’ in the first few millimeters of the reverse range. (You can ‘tickle’ that spot to get the change in prop tone and then back into fine and the props will stay at that angle- this is all unpublished behavior/technique by the way) Now unlike the caravan, this thing at idle does want to go quite fast during taxi with the throttles at idle. At light weights if you put the condition levers to cold start you could probably break ground contact - at idle!

Some more technique gouge- you release the parking brake and throw the handles into fine as soon as there’s forward motion. For turns bring the outside prop up into idle to assist the slow steering bungie response, then back into fine. When the aircraft comes to a stop, during taxi or holding short or whatever, brakes are set and power levers go back up into idle to keep the air moving over the engine nacelles for cooling, to avoid throwing fod out in front of the props, etc.


I saw a Redditt post that said “FedEx said no goofy prop pitch system, so Textron made the idle gas generator speed around 72%, enough for a 70 knot taxi” I’m not sure of the validity of the statement but it tracks.