Please use this thread to provide general feedback and impressions about this aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. For all bug reports, please create a new topic (or upvote an existing topic) in the Aircraft & Systems section of the forums. Please use the full bug report template when creating a new bug report.
On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Flight Model and Aircraft Systems?
On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Interior and Exterior Graphics?
On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Audio and Aircraft Sounds?
On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate your Overall Enjoyment of this aircraft?
This was my first flight in msfs2024. KFXE > MYNN.
Xbox Series X. Cockpit interior so pixelated I couldn’t read what button was what. No engine sounds at all. Was all set to start taxi and realized I had to get out of the plane again to remove the chocks since the ground crew do nothing but stand around in low resolution. Had a smooth landing in Nassau and decided to reboot the sim to see if it might fix the audio and visual issues. Login queue.
(Your sim likely did not actually finish fetching the whole aircraft, when the servers work the plane looks great. This is why hopefully we’ll be able to download the aircraft at least to keep locally. Keeps the file size low but makes sure the important stuff is ready to go)
Ah yeah i was wondering what was up with the landing lights lol, I kept forgetting they existed because I couldn’t see them on.
That emer battery thing, was that randomly staying on despite following the checklists to the letter? It just randomly extinguished on its own at some point, I couldn’t figure out what I’d done wrong
Second flight with the vision jet… the cockpit interior seemed to finish loading this time. I can read the text on the dashboard, but the engine sound still doesn’t load. Also the parking spot I started from, can’t remember exactly but right side of LOAN in front of a hanger by rwy 27, the plane was stuck in. Couldn’t move, turn, pushback or anything… had to slew to a taxi position to get rolling. I thought maybe it was just an airport thing, but then I tried the inibuilds a321 out of LGAV and had the same problem.
I landed gear up and slid off the runway, but I got a closer look at the rocks and the grass and they looked really good. The gear handle was down so not sure if I did something wrong.
Hello everybody…is there anyway to view the SF50 EFB, as in the MSFS2020 version, and how can i open up the checklist on the pfd? i can’t seem to get this to work ?
First flight in the Vision on Series X. Really enjoyed it overall, good job from the FlightFX/Microsoft team. Still weighing the pros and cons of Navigraph/SimConnect on the 2020 version versus the new EFB on 2024.
One major bug I identified was that it’s impossible to fly at night since all of the landing/taxi lights point straight down. I’d hope to see that fixed quick!
Flew it in 2020 last week in anticipation of flying it in 2024 this week; just did. Took a while to sort out the cockpit view bindings to hardware (as it did in 2020, totally â– â– â– â– â– really) and put up a quick flight. Impressed, everything I tried worked! Including A/T and VNAV. They did this one right if you ask me.
My checklists worked exactly as they do in the 2020 VisionJet. Would not see the need for a ticket flying on Xbox Series X using a mouse to control the checklist. YMMV on other platforms/input devices.
So how do you bring the checklist up on PC? I tried everyting I could think of. Right clicking the checklist wheel only brought up the map screen split screen on the PFD. Left click and scroll made noise but nothing happened.
does anybody know if the autoland feature isn’t working right now? and also how the heckkk do i create topics or posts on here? lol, but yeah the autoland feature doesn’t seem to work for me, but i totally found somebody that had the autoland feature activated and it worked (idk if that was the payware version or not, but yeah) and also it didn’t break for him lol he was gonna run off the runway when it landed lol but, it did line up pretty good and land straight so yeah, but mine alwaysss fails to find an airport, i don’t understand why they would have it as a button and feature you can press and activate if it was gonna mess up like that, i have even tried it at bigger airports, it doesn’t make sense, any help would be greatly appreciated thanks!
Hmm didn’t work when I tried it in the bay area where ik there’s plenty of suitable airports, so it may be bugged. Eh, not a super high priority tho
I never used auto land in the Vision Jet so I will have to try that out someday.
Despite having toe brakes successfully bound to rudder pedals, there was no effect and I had to use the parking brake to stop on the runway. I saw something like this on another thread so am wondering if something with the brakes broke in the Friday hot fix. Will look into this later today.
UPDATE: the toe brakes are working this morning, go figure!
Does anyone know how to adjust the PFD split map on Vision Jet? (like range or map direction) It seems the PFD map adjusting settings only work on the bottom corner small map…
Is there a way to adjust the brightness of the PFD’s manually? I’ve looked in Aircraft Systems and Utilities but can’t find it. The auto dimming works well after a while but in the transition period during sunset, it get’s way too bright.