[MSFS2024] Diamond Aircraft DA40 NG

Please use this thread to provide general feedback and impressions about this aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. For all bug reports, please create a new topic (or upvote an existing topic) in the Aircraft & Systems section of the forums. Please use the full bug report template when creating a new bug report.

On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Flight Model and Aircraft Systems?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate your Overall Enjoyment of this aircraft?
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The default camera views are messed up. Flight starts you in the backseat


This plane exceeds RPM all the time, flashing red on the engine screen. This used to be a problem in early days on MSFS2020 with this airplane. I cannot believe we went 4 years back in time.


Was this imported to 2024 without anyone actually checking how well it works, or if it even fly’s vaguely close to the numbers?


Unhappy to report this is still happening in FS2020.


I cannot manage to actually get inside the aircraft, the door opens but it does not teleport me inside the cockpit. I have tried getting in by standing on the wings but I can only stand on the right wing and it still does not let me inside the plane when I open the canopy, any solutions?

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How do you get into the front seat in the DA40? I am stuck in the backseat in VR :man_shrugging:


Same here! Btw I tried to enter both sides. What a giant mess! No beta testing = simple bugs are still there and we are beta testing it now. :clap:t5:

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Pressing SHIFT+C to get into the cockpit.

The DA40-NGX mod fixed a lot of the issues in MSFS2020. It wasn’t perfect, but it’s much closer to the real plane. MSFS2024 seems to have done nothing but import the existing broken MSFS2020 model without fixing any of the issues. It’s entirely disappointing that a hack for the MSFS2020 version is still the best version.


Hello folks,

I fly the DA40 NG in real life, and I’m no expert, but there are several things worth mentioning.

The plane flies around 125 KT with 75% load, but in the sim, it doesn’t.

This plane has FADEC, and the RPMs will never go into the yellow/red arc unless something is going wrong (e.g., RPM overspeed due to a jammed prop governor).

It’s a really stable plane, and when you push it out of its equilibrium state, it responds gently. Flying it in the sim feels like flying a kite.

I could go into more detail on some of these points, but I think these are the main things I’ve noticed.

I’m leaving you some examples.

66% load. 2300RPM.

The real plane:

65% load. 2000RPM.

76% load. 2300RM.

The real plane:
76% load. 2040RPM

Regarding fuel flow, I don’t know what the MSFS gauges readings are, but during normal operations, the fuel flow is

6.2 gal/h - 70% load.
6.7 gal/h - 75% load.

I hope you find this information useful.



This was one of my favorite aircraft in 2020. In 2024, I’ve barely touched it because it’s so bad.

The first problem is it’s impossible to taxi with a regular Xbox controller without having binding conflicts or being overly cumbersome. In 2020 it turns with the rudder controls. It didn’t turn great, but hitting the brakes toggle would get it to kick around. In 2024, rudder controls do nothing, and hitting the brakes don’t help. It will not turn at all unless you result to differential braking. That may apply in real life, but not every simmer has a full set of controls to do this. What’s more interesting is it’s only the NG versions affected by this. The regular and TDI versions, as well as other planes I’ve tried so far, all turn great with only rudder inputs. Actually much better than 2020.

If I do manage to get it in the air, it is very twitchy, which is also a regression from 2020. It also wants to excessively climb as if I’m giving it elevator commands, and takes extreme amounts of nose down trim to get it back level at cruise.


I have never flown one of these IRL, how quick is the fuel transfer rate? In 2020 it was WAY slower than what it is in 2024.

DA40 cannot turn on the ground at all in 2024…

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Differential braking. Just like the real thing. So, er, yes it can.


Perhaps read up a few posts where I commented about this issue. Differential braking isn’t a good option across the board, wasn’t necessary in FS20, and it’s only the NG variant (at least for me) affected by this in FS24.


I have to concur about this plane having taken some serious step backwards compared to its 2020 counterpart. Here are my findings:

  1. The airplane, as it has no propeller control, should not be redlining the propeller rpm when full power is applied. I thought that was the whole point of the FADEC? The prop rpm in the MFD is constantly blinking red for prop overspeed.

  2. The plane feels a heck of a lot less stable in flight than the 2020 version. I can’t imagine that this airplane flies like this in real life. It is significantly less stable than the Cessna 172. While I understand that the 172 is one of the most stable planes out there, the DA40 is not that less stable.

  3. It is not possible to do a takeoff run-up in this plane. With the parking brake on, if you put the throttle to full power as per the checklist instructions, the plane WILL begin to move forward. The brakes do not have enough power to stop the plane from moving.

  4. With the throttle at idle and the parking brake off, the plane WILL begin to taxi all on its own, continue to taxi, and accelerate. There is no need to move the throttle at all to begin taxi.

  5. The plane takes off like a rocket. With T/O flaps, lowest take off trim possible and full power, the plane launches and auto-rotates into the sky with no joystick input before hitting a speed of 40. Clearly not accurate at all.

  6. The plane has the landing and stall characteristics of the best bush plane in the world! With full flaps and no power, the plane did not stall below 30 and I was able to land it in about 12 feet of runway!


This is one of the most popular training aircraft in Europe, it’s unbelievable Asobo haven’t put more energy into this. However, I do believe that COWS are working on a DA40 and judging by their DA42 it’s going to be amazing.


As it has already been said above, the flight model and engine operation is completely divorced from the real aircraft. On the plus side the aircraft looks right. In the 2020 version there was a free mod, made by the maker of COWS DA42, which made this aircraft much closer to the real version, but unfortunately this mod no longer works because the aircraft is now suddenly encrypted. But none of the improvements in the mod have been brough onboard the sim.


Actually, the original 2020 DA40 wasn’t all that bad, I flew it when real-life rated in the DA40-180 and it was close enough…the 2024 version is entirely broken by comparison - wants to fly at less than 40kts!