[MSFS2024] Diamond Aircraft DA40 NG

It’s a broken mess, Asobo! This aircraft shouldn’t be taking off at less than 40 knots and climbing 1600 fpm. What happened?


Yes but the aircraft in the sim is not DA40-180. It is DA40 NG. The DA40-180 has an rpm and mixture lever and no FADEC since it runs a Lycoming IO-360 IIRC. DA40 NG, due to having a heavier engine, also has a taller tail and a higher stall speed. It flies significantly differently from the IO-360 engined one.


Of course, there will be some difference but not that much in a sim that will matter. When I first got into 2020 and flew the DA40, and even the DV20 (which I also flew) the very same principles applied where the airplane performed as I expected it to and at the same speeds (eg. 71 on approach). The landings were familiar, the takeoffs were familiar, and the speeds were predictable. I do use the DA40 improvement mod which is excellent, of course. But the 2024 version is just out to lunch.


If you haven’t flown a DA40 NG then of course you might think that it’s all the same. But the Lycoming and Austro DA40 are very different beasts. Rotation, approach, threshold speeds are all different from the Lycoming model. I have flown a DA40 NG in real life (have many hours on it and did my IR on it) and I can tell you that the sim version is a far cry from the real aircraft. It’s only similar only insofar as any two light aircraft are similar to each other. The 2020 version wasn’t significantly better without the mod. Actually I am pretty sure they just took the 2020 version and ported it over. All I am asking for is to not be encrypted so that the community can bring back the improvements we had over the built in 2020 version.


I appreciate you engaging with me, but I never said the same nor do I disagree with you, I only expressed similar enough that on a sim platform they can be comparable due to their similarities. I won’t tout the 2020 version was accurate or not, all I know is that engine aside, I flew it like I flew the -180 and it all worked fine…irrespective of authenticity. I don’t fly sims for training, I do it for fun. But alas, we’ve gone past the point of the post I think, where the 2024 version does not match it’s predecessor nor is in near either of our expectations for how the model should be represented.

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My favourite aircraft rendered unusable as it is a titch difficult to fly it from the BACK SEAT!!!


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I had the same problem but only in VR. If you assign key bindings to moving the camera you can move the camera back into the front (though for some reason you can’t move it through seats lol). If you go into the menu or anything in the flight it’ll go back to the back seat though…

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I am a real DA40 pilot, and when flying this aircraft, the basic aerodynamic model seems strange. For example, in calm wind conditions, the lift-off speed should be around 65 knots, but in the game, the aircraft starts lifting off at around 40 knots on its own. In 2020, the aerodynamic model seemed more accurate. I would like to know if there are any plans for future fixes regarding this issue?


The plane is almost impossible to fly with any degree of realism.

In flight trimmed for level and AP on at 4,500MSL - I had to reduce the throttle to 35% to keep the prop out of the red. At that setting the IAS was 85 knots. Any attempt to increase the airspeed put the prop into the red zone.

At those settings the CHT were all at the very bottom of the scale

Takeoff was a joke - at 69% throttle with 2-degrees trim nose up and a neutral stick - the plane leapt off the runway at 900fpm. I had to trim 5 degrees down and pull the throttle back to 40% to slow the climb to 400 fpm. Then the prop starting hitting the red limit and I kept pulling back the throttle.

The brakes were totally ineffective - I landed at 54 knots and 1 G and could not stop the plane with full on brakes until I ran off the runway 2,500’ further on.

Trying to taxi back to hanger - any power setting cause the taxi speed to jump to 25 knots and then the brakes needed 500’ to stop the plane (this is a common GA problem in 2024)

The nose up/down trim is way too sensitive. Going from straight and level trimmed 2 degrees nose up to 0 degrees results in a VS of -500 fpm. Going to 4 degrees nose up results in a VS of +500 fpm.

As others have said - I thought most of these problems had been resolved in 2020 - how did we get them back at a cost of $129?


press Shift+C. I guess that puts you in the cockpit from the outside

It’s clear they did zero QA for this plane out of the gate… the rudder is completely ineffective during taxi and so the only way to turn is solely with the brakes… My flight school would be giving me an earful.


The DA40 NG is still fundamentally broken in FS 2024. I simply do not understand the regression on this plane compared to 2020. While not 100% perfect in 2020, it at least flew nicely and was a “go to” plane. The latest patch did not fix all of the issues already mentioned in this thread.


Rudder action to me seems ok, but it has way too much power/speed during ground handling and climb

I tried the DA40 NG last night and the experience is horrible.

The key problem I had was with descend and approach. Despite having my throttle fully retarded with full flaps, the plane was approaching at 90 kts and wasn’t slowing down. This is NOT the case in the real airplane.

I tried flying the Cessna 172 and Cirrus SR 22T afterwards and they didn’t have that problem.

What did Asobo/MS do to mess this up?


Anyone know if the ground steering problem on the NG was fixed in the recent patch?

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I must be blind, but for the life of me, I cannot find the corresponding thread for the diamond 62. Maybe somebody here can point me towards it.

Much too powerful of an engine. Taxi roll is ridiculously fast, as is climb. Engine power needs to be reduced considerably.

Also, when loading in VR, the user ends up loading into the passenger seat BEHIND the pilot!. I have to use the ‘TRanslate’ key binds to literally climb into the front row seat and into the pilot seat. But then everytime you go into the Main Menu, or reset the VR view, it ends up in the back passenger seat.

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yeah, i 2nd all of this.

do you have a source for this? i would love if they did this, the da40 absolutely deserves the same quality as their da42

I purchased the DA60 as my second aircraft for freelance flying in VIP Career Services. I have experienced all the same issues mentioned in this thread as well. Out of five flight, I have completed one successfully. All others resulted in crashes which has cost me many Credits to repair the aircraft. I have not seen the same issue with C172 for VIP Career Services. I will not continue using DA60 NG for VIP Career Services until next update after

I also noticed that Airspeed indicators were not displaying correct information whenever I increased/decreased the throttle.