MSFS2024 Engine VS MSFS2020 Engine

If there is something that I would like to know from a technical perspective is the differences of the Graphics engines, If any …
Are we having a DX12 dedicated engine or is it still mixed is there performance enhancements, etc etc …

This is the real questions we should be asking … IMHO


It will be the same I think. Look at the trailer. The horizont line still glows through the ground.


This horizon thing is weird. I swear I’m not making this up but I have never seen it in the game, not even once. It clearly exists for some users, so why some and not others? Is it down to location that we predominantly fly in?


Its been in the engine since before the fsx days i believe

Any location in my experience. It’s mostly prominent at dawn and dusk for me, though I just ignore it now and just call it “unexplained mist”.


Try flying below 1000ft at dusk/down with some mountains around and you will notice it.


If 2024 brings true multicore 6+ and multithread performance, then I welcome it. this 2 1/2 core, thread limitation is ridiculous and it needs to be much more efficient.


I havent seen anything in the trailer that looks like it is using different tech.
Still SSR, still same water tech and pg.

Only thing different would be the high complexity mesh models and better animations, that I can only assume is custom made for the spesific event or even just for the trailer.

If it just ends up being same tech as msfs just with upping the minimun requirements I would be baffled.
Particle effects looks better, but again looks like same tech. I honestly thought this was just a action pack DLS for msfs from the trailer, similar to what HPG made.

as crazy as the news of msfs2024 were, I would be absolutely shocked if there isnt any new groundbreaking tech they use. Then again I guess I wouldnt really be surprised, overselling and underdelivering seems to be the new norm in game development these days.


I noticed a lot of “tree shaking” as a result of heli downwash in 2024. This seems new to me.

Perhaps there will be a lot more “real” physics interaction between the simulated aircraft and the scenery.

And clearly the trees had a lot more detail at close distance. I guess it requires a new engine to get this “LOD increase” working smoothly.

Let’s hope that Asobo will provide more insight in the near future.


The bug is so evident that it hurts. It´s on the top 5 in community wishes and still not planned to be fixed, so yes, it´s a relevant thing for many players. Look at any mountain during sunset or sunrise and you will notice the semitransparent line on it. It´s not location related because it´s just the sea level being propagated worldwide.



It’s everywhere. Particularly noticeable around sunrise/sunset, and especially where land rises up above the horizon (mountainous regions). But yeah, its everywhere and we all have it. If you’re always flying mid-day you probably wont ever see it.


I fly at dawn, dusk, day and night in all seasons. I’ve never seen this line. I never said it doesn’t exist or that it wasn’t a problem. I don’t know what to tell you :man_shrugging:t3:


This problem has been highlighted as being directly linked to the MSFS engine. This means that there may be cases where certain people with certain hardware won’t have the issue since it depends how it links/interfaces with your hardware to process/stream the image you see.

Asobo have stated it would require an entire rewrite of the whole system to be able to isolate and potentially fix the problem for those uses that experience it.

I personally experience this graphical glitch on my Nvidia laptop, however, not on my AMD desktop. Not sure if that means anything at all.


My wonder is will there be anything in 2020 that doesn’t exist in 2024?

If not, it’s almost like an expansion.

I just want to hear about better ATC and better AI.:sweat_smile:


Ok, I’ve really gone looking for it and managed to recreate the issue. It’s very subtle and seems to only be visible in a very specific altitude bracket of a few hundred feet.

I genuinely am not aware of having seen this during gameplay, but I concede it is there and I have been able to replicate it.


It will be mainly about the content / features IMO. The core technology / engine behind 2024 will remain the same (adopted from MSFS 2020) and will (slowly) evolve consistently with MSFS 2020. This is how they will be able to support both “editions” of MSFS in the long term perspective, I believe. Anything else doesn’t make sense (from both “marketing / business” and “invested resources” perspective).


I need to see that its worth it to move to 2024. I dont care for missions.

I want better graphics (less weird trees, no more melted cities etc), I want a proper replay function (like in msfs titles of old) and I want proper visual effects like clouds obscuring wings and vortices off wing surfaces etc.


One thing I didn’t see, and want to see are real crashes. Not just a black you’re dead screen when you crash

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The Horizon Line will still be in FS24.


you will never see that, years ago people were posting crash videos and pics with airliners in real airline liveries the reaction was not good this was just post 9/11 and remember apparently Fs98 was used to train the well you know…websites banned any crash pic or video then the crash thing was eventually removed i believe, i’m not sure when