MSFS2024 Engine VS MSFS2020 Engine

It will be the essentially the same engine… but fully DX12. My guess is that they couldn’t get DX12 fully integrated with the legacy code and it’s not something an update would fix. Everything in the trailer is DX12, from the improved animation… particle effects… raytracing, everyting here is running fully on DX12 not a stripped down beta version of it.


Reckon we’re 18 months from release, apart from a few 3D models what you see in that trailer may not bare any relation graphically to what we actually get.

Honestly I don’t know anything about DCS but from a quick search the performance gains seem to be mostly in large missions with many units. I know in some strategy games the performance scales with the number of CPU cores. Apparently that’s the case for DCS too.

Next part is pure speculation: I believe in MSFS the limiting factor are the flight dynamic calculations. There are so many parts to this with their modeling of surfaces and force vectors and the impact of the atmosphere and the engine logic. These things get calculated one after another because you can’t have the uplift calculated before you know the prop rpm which again needs the current atmosphere for it’s power calculations. I think since the beta we had a lod of multicore enhancements for stuff like traffic but of course that’s only a small part. My theory is based on the fact that MSFS scales with core frequency and a large cache (AMD X3D chips especially).
I hope we see more improvements but maybe they already reached the limit. Maybe in 2024 they have massive improvements. Maybe they embrace DLSS 3. Who knows. I certainly don’t

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People were saying the LA in this trailer looks much better or more detailed than the FS2020 LA… I don’t see it. I mean the trailers always look spectacular and don’t reflect the game visuals 100% accurately for some reason (yes I know why).

  • Same engine core - Asobo Studio Engine. 2020 will be updated as 2024 launches. No way they have designed a new engine so fast and will run two different engines. As many said - we still have the horizon bug - ie same engine.
  • Same WX - pulled from Meteoblue. No way they will have two WX-services.
  • Same world data servers.
  • Same MP servers.

2020 will work perfectly fine,with WT-updates,WU etc ALONG SIDE 2024.
Core SUs will be released for both sims to keep them syncronized.

Ie its the SAME core sim - MSFS2020 is 2024 without the career mode ,missions, certain A/C / helicopters, different menus etc etc - without those “add ons”.

AC, scenery etc will be sold as: “compatible with MSFS2020/2024”.
2024 is a “new sim” in the way that you can buy that directly without having to purchase 2020 first…nothing more :wink:

My 0,2£


I really hope they both use the same engine and that 2024 is the gamified version and 2020 is the simulation version. That would be the ideal outcome for me.

If you think about it, MS/Asobo went to great lengths to make the Xbox version of the sim the same as the PC version. I don’t think they will be changing this strategy anytime soon.

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Based on the incremental sequel updates to the Forza series here are some things I imagine could happen or are confirmed to be happening.


People flying missions within the shared world with everyone else flying around the world

More lifelike flora and fauna

Better global map and terrain data

Better ground handling

More efficient, more scalable engine

More photogrammetry

A better, more complex AI reading of map data

More detailed planes and some new additions to the hangar, perhaps a few planes lost (failed contract renewal or lapsed contract).

More detailed flight model

Enhanced weather

Possible implementation of certain live world events

Enhanced ATC

So, you know, they can make a sequel out of it, a large enough incremental leap to constitute a new name.

That said, like Forza, I imagine a lot of resources will be brought right over from the prior title. They don’t remodel every car and track for each game, you know? But usually, if it was in the prior title, it makes it to the sequel as well. At least until the next console generation.

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Basing game play from a trailer didnt quite workout the last time…


Hopefully a new revenue stream for the sim too. I always wondered how all the Azure services could be maintained over 10 years while supporting the sim.

It’s like Windows 10 was supposed to be the last version of windows.

Just I hope they please fix all the little bugs. I’m willing to pay may multiples of hundreds of USD if they just fixed the annoying little bugs.


Thanks for the comparison pics. The clouds look like garbage in 2020 compared to the 2024 trailer.

I think it will have to be, just like the current code base goes way back. They could fork it but that would make support of 2020 more costly going forward.

The underlying azure services, WU’s, etc. I think would need to be common from a financial perspective.

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Might be cherry picked from dev branches way ahead of what we have now, and perhaps not fully Xbox optimized.

I disagree - it doesn’t have the replay tool, SODE is missing, neither does it manage AI as FSX doe etc; both don’t do a good job BTW, newer version has kind of regressed.

All the detail will need greater processing power, translating into latest and greatest hardware - again.

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That sounds good.
It would be nice to have hd ground missions of all kinds.

Having GOLF would be nice. :slight_smile:
Thanks for answering!

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So why showing it now?

Don’t think there’s much of a difference in clouds…


they look the same to me, and that’s very worrying since with seasons too, you would expect all type of clouds that comes with the natural behavior of the sun axe on the earth! clouds have been messed up since su7, many weather bugs have been logged, and almost 3 years later none of them have been fixed!!


Don’t think there’s much of a difference in clouds…

Huh? Between those two comparison photos… the differences are huge…