MSFS2024 Engine VS MSFS2020 Engine

I don’t understand this desire to crash things.

It’s a flight simulator, the whole point is not to crash. Aside from anything else, I wouldn’t want time and resource wasted on something so inconsequential.


Unfortunately I believe we will not see much improvement in the short term regarding multi threading. Some things simply can’t be computed parallel but need to be done linearly. That’s not only a problem for MSFS but a lot of software.
There is certainly room for improvement and we have seen them doing it over the last years. But there is only so much they can do with the current way of writing code. I believe this problem goes way deeper than a software layer over windows, probably down to the processor architecture.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love the sim to take advantage of a 20 core processor but it’s simply not possible right now. And it’s not only Asobo who can’t do this, probably no one can.


It’s like that one dead pixel on your TV screen. Your brain could adapt and ignore, but it instead focuses on it, and drives you crazy. Target fixation. Water torture. Drip…Drip…Drip


This also points to something that was said by Jorg on the QA streams several times in the past couple of years. That there was a ‘World 2.0’ team that was working on improving the, well, world. I do believe they had to rewrite a good amount of the core sim to make these things work overall, hence sequel.

I too have NEVER seen that horizontal line. I’m using an NVidia GTX 1080Ti if that makes any difference?



I assure you it’s been there since 2020, even if you personally haven’t seen it. :wink:

If the implication is “I didn’t notice it, so it doesn’t matter”, consider that the needs of other people might also matter. :slight_smile: Of course, it is just a cosmetic rendering issue. But isn’t all rendering?

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No one has said that. Some people haven’t seen it, or it’s so imperceptible they haven’t noticed it. No one has said ‘it doesn’t matter’.

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That’s good! I only mention it because people do say stuff like that all the time here on this forum, and often argue in bad faith, and was hoping we could explicitly avoid that.

That would be wired, since MSFS2020/2024 are using the Asobo Studio Engine (the same as used in Plague Tale.) - This engine has nothing to do with the previous FSX engine.

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There is obvious signs the engines uses core details from fsx… the biggest one is the line through terrain just speaking, im not saying its bad in no way… anyways nice talking to you fellas

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That fact that the line has appeared in virtually all trailers published by Microsoft is a very clear indication hardware doesn’t matter and the same machines they run this on suffer from the visual glitch. If someone has a PC that doesn’t display it I suppose Microsoft would like to hear about it :slight_smile:

I personally see it a lot and detest it but I’ve learned to accept it since it’s so ubiquitous. I like to fly around where I live which is very mountainous and it’s something that you see a lot more if you fly GA than airliners.

It is not news that MSFS has similarities with FSX. Check folder organizations and file names between both sims. Since MSFS came out and I got to see these details I knew it was not the renewed simulator they sold us but hey! you have to recognize that they did a great job

Will the ground look a lot better?
You know how things on some graphics cards look like the buildings are melting and when you fly close to the ground in cities and near roads the world objects look very poor.

With there being all these near ground career missions, is the ground clean up just for those or is it world-wide?

A while back they released a car for the sim but it seemed kind of worthless when the world at ground was so poor. So is the resolution going way up?

I noticed on the crop dusting scene how detailed the wheat and trees were. They look way better than what trees here look like.

Thank you.

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You can get the same results (or even better) with add-ons for FS2020. I would say it’s at most a slight revision of the same engine and it appears these very high resolution assets will be concentrated around the areas you’re supposed to be flying around, say, the farm you’re dusting.

FS2020 is the same really: Handcrafted airports have amazing assets, then you move to major cities and there’s a drop in quality but it’s still good enough. Move away to a smaller town or rural place and you start noticing weird things. The most remote areas look awful and even clouds and seams in the satellite imagery are rendered as terrain.

These missions in FS2024 will look incredible as long as you don’t stray far away from were you’re supposed to be. Maintaining a “handcrafted airport” level of quality worldwide is still impossible, starting with the satellite resolution and ending with your computer storage.


lol, the absolute worst rendition of wheat I have ever seen in a game!

because it was NOT wheat, it was maize, which are substantially different from one another.

it did however look good for maize in a flight simulator.

It’s a-maize-ingly well rendered indeed!

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Flight Simulator (2020):

Flight Simulator 2024:

There’s haze (or a ‘visibility slider’)


Yes I know that, some parts are reused by MSFS from FSX. Fact is that the 3D engine itself is NOT! I have claimed no more and no less than that. Btw, the physics engine is also new :wink:

Yes for sure, but see above…

The line however seems to be a coincidence. And MSFS is not the only 3D program plagued (pun intended) with this line :man_shrugging:

I for myself can hide it mentally very well, and it also shows up for me rather rarely - luckily.


Thanks for that. Same exact engine. No need for a completely new sequel.

interesting. Are we at the same level as DCS releasing a multithreaded version of their game? Are we ahead or already as good as it will get there?