MSFS2024 November 19th, 2024


THANKS – brilliant observation! I certainly did not have any recollection of that fact about Linker. The solution to this problem is becoming much clearer.

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The graphics front end is running on the Asobo engine. But the underlying business logic and back end processes were based on the FSX code. Asobo at the time had experience in producing modern games, but they did not have experience with flight dynamic, etc. If you don’t believe me, there is an interview that Digital Foundry did with one of the Asobo engineers talking about what was done for performance gains in SU5. He talks about things that were needed to be done with the original FSX code.

So yes, you are partly right. The people who say it is FSX are also partly right. The FSX code was melded into the Asobo graphics engine, and other backend pieces were written to support the streaming of the digital world.


I never said that there is no legacy FSX code inside MSFS 2020 :man_shrugging:

I just said that:

  1. the graphics engine is all new - no legacy code there and
  2. even the old FSX legacy code was multi threaded

not more not less…

Except it doesn’t! Every since the passenger in the cabin feature was added, you don’t see any passenger movement for the 2nd leg of the flight or any leg after the first one! It’s a fairly buggy program. I use it but I wished it wasn’t as buggy as it is.

It’s obvious that sales on the marketplace for military aircraft is quite high. So… there’s dollars to be made. I know I’m all in, ha ha.

Looking forward to kicking my flares at the air shows.

Why is it obvious?

I get that bit but it still stands that the one thing the A-10 is famous for can’t be shown in the sim. If they’re modelling the A-10 without its nose cannon then thats just bizarre, to say the very least. The whole plane is designed around it.


Even if it worked, what would you shoot at? If that is the bit that concerns then DCS would be the place to fly it.

That’s like asking why have seats in the airliners, there’s no passengers. :wink:


Whether it works is much less relevant than it simply being there.

In probably 99.9% of military flights, aircraft land with exactly the same weapons and ammo that they took off with.


DC Designs (Dean) has repeatedly said it’s still TBD how the 3D modeling will be finalized for the A-10.

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Jörg needs (he really does) to revive the Combat FS franchise. Imagine a worldwide Combat FSim. Would be great. And the “scenery” is already there available.

Another franchise I would like to see coming back is Train Sim. Both being integrated into the World Twin from MSFS.

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Don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Jorg just needs to convince Phil and the MS big wigs to buy Eagle Dynamics. BAM - instant revival of “Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator.” (NOTE: this is only a joke. Well, half a joke. But still not to be taken seriously in this thread).

Nah, it would cost them less to make their own Combat Flight Simulator, using MSFS as a base. Use the same World, Physics etc and add weapons. The mission creator is probably coming with 2024 (which could be used to create scenarios for the new combat flight simulator).

Also, I’m not a big fan of DCS, I want something really new, like a new version Combat Flight Simulator.

I’m quite curious about the whole age rating around FS. It does seem slightly contradictory. On the one hand even at its most simple level its an extremely complicated flight simulator but on the other Microsoft seem keen to have it sellable to children. Its market heavily as a serious flight simulator thats definitely not a mere ‘game’ yet they seem keen to have marketable to children.

Would they really loose a ton of sales giving it a slightly higher age rating if they allowed visual weapons load outs? They would certainly please a lot of people, I know that much.

I get the fact that its great that its something a parent can enjoy with their kids, its fun and educational. But surely a parent can decide what they are or are not happy with their kids seeing? Why not make the sim a PG rated franchise? It strikes me as a more logical approach.

Maybe I’m missing something but thats the way it comes across, to me at least.


I played SubLogic Flight Simulator II as a child in the early 1980s; the manual had detailed descriptions of how to do beacon-to-beacon VOR navigation and I found it fascinating. Don’t underestimate children! But also don’t infantilize them with this silly weapons ban…


Completely agree. Could easily raise it to to PEGI 7 and I’m pretty sure would lose NO customers

Everyone would be happy. PEGI 3 far too restrictive for a simulation.


The funny thing is the PEGI rating they are wedded to is an age group that cannot even buy the simulator. So if you accept that adults have to buy it, why care who uses it after purchase?


I think that was my point really. It just doesn’t seem to me to make much sense.

I do wonder if they’ll go down this route. It would make far more sense. Especially in light of things like the TopGun DLC.


I don’t think it has anything to do with children and more to do with the fact that it’s a niche part of military aviation. As someone here said before, 99% of military aviation is just flying and flight testing.

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