MSFS2024 November 19th, 2024


Who’s looking for some new groovy ambient music on loop during the FS2024 load screen? I know I am.

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Actually MSFS 2020 wasn’t built to the specs of anything post 2009 or so. XBSX is an 8 core CPU squashed into the tiny little single threaded funnel that 2020 code is. It can handle 2024 no problem. Just like every other single title in the XB library. These stutters are not from hardware being overworked, it’s from the CPU sitting around waiting for data from MSFS.


Very exited, I know there might be a developer stream during FSExpo, but now it seems confirmed:


I really wish people would listen. Msfsos not single core. Lol.


Yes indeed. Thanks for pointing that out! :+1:

What brings people to think that: the lack of understanding how video gam graphics and in a bigger scope video games work: there is this infamous “main thread” which is widley missunderstood.

Any game and other grafic aplications do which need to run realtime need such a thread - heck each program has such a thread. This is nothing more as the first thread which gets spawned when opening an application. I keeps track of ALL OTHER threads and manages them.
So naturaly this thread ALWAYS has to wait of the slowest thread of the current needed calculation → therefore this thread is the one which limits ultimatly the frame rate, although deeper down the thread hole another thread is really causing the delay.

So MSFS is (as already shown) very much multithreaded. Belive it or not, since multithreading is a thing (and it was a thing much earlier than Flight Simulator X was released) nearly every bigger application is multithreaded, even when it runs on a single core.

And the next thing is what is widley missunderstood, MSFS 2020 is NOT running on the Flight Simulator X graphics engine, as far as I know it is a heverly modified “A Plague Tales” engine - which in itself is a very modern engnie.

So please let the “Oh no, MSFS 2020 is single threaded” myth die, it is simple incorrect on multiple levels!!


Heres what Seb showed last Dev update. its not a single thread and core. there might just be too much on the MainThread


well we’ve had the pelican (a spaceship) and the ornothopter so that’s already been done in FS2020.

Maybe it will morph in the old Microsoft Space Simulator and we get the shuttle and lunar lander as well?

Much depends on expectation. Before I retired one developer extracted a calculation and display loop out of a 3D CAM simulation and made it truly multi core, with thread safe arrays. Using Microsoft C++ parallels the acceleration in calculation was up to 150X faster with 1024 CUDA cores on a quad core PC.

The render loop in MSFS is no way near that level of performance. One must consider parallel core execution in the GPU that crypto and data miners use…anything that rattles along with 1.5 CPU cores doesn’t impress me.

4k ultra everything, 400/200. CPU at 27%, ram less than half used, GPU shows 95% but fans at idle speed. Games a stuttering disaster. PC is taking a nap, except for one core.

I’d still call that a to b. B can be the same as a if you’re sightseeing or dropping water on a forest fire for example!

If you want to think of it like that.

Very arrogant of you. It’s an excellent piece of software that is bang up to date with development and works very well thanks.


No LuisArgerich is not arrogant! he is correct in saying GSX is a buggy old piece of software, it is as temperamental as a piece of software can be with ridiculous amount of DRM, I would rather not have that eye candy on my system! When GSX works it is great.


A minor gripe, but I would love to see the aircraft selector page group aircraft of the same type. Like under C172, you could bush versions, amphibious version, a third party version or two. Under the Twitter you would have the different cargo, passenger, tundra etc versions.

It would help tame the collections of planes we all get. From the way I see it wouldn’t be hard to inject another line to be read in the manifest files.

I also really like the idea that is being kicked around on multiple threads now about each plane being downloadable as default, instead of installed as default.


Totally agree. I’ve been saying this for a while. It would make browsing much easier. I really don’t need to see all the variants of the same aircraft type on the main selection screen. Just have those one layer down.


I feel like Microsoft Game Studios did that with FSX. But it’s been awhile since a run that.

Have there been any announcements or discussions about whether it’ll be possible to install both versions of MFS on the same computer. I’d like to keep my current version installed while also installing 2024, but I’m wondering if they might by default use the same folders for their packages, Community, Content.xml etc.
(How to make Addons Manager work with two versions at the same time is another question I’d have IF I get an answer to the first question.)

Nothing official, but scroll up and check out post 222.

Thanks for pointing me to 222. That was an interesting start to a discussion of my question, but it doesn’t answer it. My intuition tells me that having one Community folder for both versions would risk the stability of both, AND I don’t see a way to use Linker to manage two different Community folders. Besides that, I’m still wondering if installing 2024 while 2020 remains installed would result in the 2020 Packages, usercfg.opt, Content.xml, etc. etc. being overwritten. I’m hoping that could be clarified either here or perhaps in an upcoming Development Update.

As Addon Linker runs standalone (doesn’t get installed) run 2 copies of it… One in a MSFS folder one in an MSFS2024 folder. Once we see the landscape of how 2024 is rolled out, and how the Community folder comes into play the Dev could be asked to make multiple Community folder paths.

As for the configuration files, I would suspect they would change the install path to reflect the version…

Currently, Microsoft Flight Simulator as that is what this one is called, 2020 was just tacked on by the user community. This next release is 2024 so the path could potentially contain that and avoid any conflicts.

As to why there isn’t a direct definitive answer, is because no one knows yet.

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