MSFS2024 November 19th, 2024


The FAQ last year said all planes from 2020 would carry over to 2024. You have to do that or else you could break a bush trip or discovery mission or landing challenge. There are plenty of commercial bush trips and landing challenges (and many on, and most all of them use default aircraft so that they are accessible by all customers. Not having the aircraft means the bush trip will not even load into the sim.

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It would certainly fall into that category now, but I refer back to one of my previous posts where I point to the black screens (now known as running out of memory) happening for people on the default A320, CJ4, 747 often after longer flights just as they reach a destination and the scenery loaded in. That was August 2021 just after MSFS released on the platform. There was a huge long thread about it at the time, that went on for over a year or more.

Here’s that thread (note the date, August 2021, default aircraft & not many extras available at that point in time on xbox, I know as I was using it at the time.)-

Devs have tried tweaking memory over the course of sim updates, but then as you say more complex airliners and more dense airport scenery came along. The Xbox (especially the series S just doesn’t have the RAM to handle it all.

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The interesting thing is, assuming they want to keep the install size down, then how do they do that if all the default aircraft are ported over. A fresh install of all that would probably be 500GB or thereabouts. FS2020 was originally 160GB install size (from memory), and I was hoping that that install size might come down a bit. If it’s way up there I might need 7 days of downloading to get it all especially given all the download bottlenecks/throttling (by who knows who) that we’ve seen.
Perhaps like Windows there will be a migration option, but how many people are bold enough to completely ditch FS2020 from the get go with no fallback.

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Probably in the install you will have the option to say whether you want 2020 aircraft or not. I’m pretty sure when I did the XPlane 12 install, they had something similar during beta. They need to include the option to have all 2020 default, but you may be able to decide what you want to bring over. Not providing the option though will break addons. I dont know. None of us do. All we have is the FAQ though that says all 2020 aircraft will be available.


I’d actually love it if all default aircraft were optional downloads. My hanger is full of aircraft I don’t fly. Why not have a system that lists them all “available” but have them greyed out when they are not yet downloaded. Makes perfect sense (to me).
Agree though I hope they have a port over type option for things already ihstalled in 2020. No way I want to download all those default aircraft again!
Perhaps 2024 will have new updated versions of them though.


Hmm, I think that’s not even needed. All aircraft packages exist on their servers and will also have to be around for years to come (otherwise you would not able to install MSFS2020 anymore, right? :wink: ).

They could on launching the new sim for the first time just provide a dialogue in “Windows install style” (“Hello! Please customize your experience!”) with a configuration screen on which you can select aircraft and scenery packages to install locally using a simple hierarchy view and checkboxes, be like:

- MSFS (2020) aircraft [x]
     + Airliners [x]
     - Helicopters [o]
          + Guimbal Cabri G2 [ ]
          + Bell 407 [x]
     + General Aviation [ ]
     + ...
- 40th Anniversary Edition aircraft [o]
          - Airbus A310-300 [x]
               + Legacy liveries [x]
          + Curtiss Jenny [ ]

You get the idea :wink:

All other aircraft could stay “on demand”, so you could still select them in world map. On start of the flight the package would download, install temporarily and be used on the flight. After finishing it would be removed again. When it comes down to world map itself the “on demand” aircraft should fall into their own category (“Load and Fly!”) which should be able to be hidden so they does not clutter the menus.

In the package manager it would be good to also be able to install individual packages permanently. This would give you full control of the situation.

Seen it a number of times

So I was wrong when I said “majority,” since that seems to state that all Marketplace aircraft will be supported in FS2024.

I think 3rd party aircraft may be a different story. Some will, some won’t, at least not without some re-coding.

To quote Vincent in ‘Pulp Fiction’:
“That’s just what I’ve heard. That’s just what I’ve heard. Doesn’t mean it’s not true.”

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Yeah I know what you’re talking about. I have just picked up Cyberpunk 2077 again after abandoning it disappointed a few years ago (it’s a great game now). I cannot stop just walking around the streets gawking at the scenery like a tourist.

This digital/virtual tourism is getting more and more interesting lately. Would be a blast if MSFS 2024 will give us the opportunity to visit some nice places more up close in person too.


That would be the dream for me, eventually having some 3rd party airports that you can actually walk around inside and use the jetways to enter your airliner. Then go for a short stroll through the cabin when at cruising altitude.

I’m afraid then won’t make walking through the cabin possible though, but we can dream! Maybe some 3rd party devs can pick it up once the base sim features a properly working walking mode.

But there is a shot where a field is blown around by the movement of a crop duster. It’s probably just a WIP

And there is also a shot in the first trailer with a SAR helicopter winching up a person from a car wreck → the trees are moving wildly in the downwash of the helicopter 

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Commercial flights with passengers are confirmed in the trailer. :slightly_smiling_face:

The FS2020 trailer also comes with plenty of dirt before it gets dirty. But it should last 2 years with permanent problems.
ÂżNadie recuerda estas cosas o el zendesk diciendo que tenĂ­amos que borrar, descargar y restalar todo el programa de nuevo o que mujemos la velocidad de carga a 4Kb/s?. You can see the boats below the water line along the entire coast or on the ground completely illogical without mentioning that it has already flown to South America with little things.

I wouldn’t really want grayed-out aircraft shown on my screen. It’d just take up screen space and make our aircraft list longer than it needs to be.

I’d say they should just throw all MSFS2020/40th anniversary aircraft into the freeware marketplace category and call it a day. And they should also let us uninstall any 2024 aircraft we don’t want as well. When we uninstall 2024 aircraft, they should also be available for re-download in the freeware category.


Yes similar line of thinking. I don’t care where it is on the menu system as long as I can have the option to have it installed.
However if as others have mentioned it breaks the games challenges etc then it probably won’t happen. Even if you only try a landing challenge once that aircraft sits around on your storage the whole time just taking up space.
I wish they could do something like add on linker too internally so we can toggle what we want on and off before each sim session. Makes no sense to have all marketplace purchase and aircraft and freeware enabled the whole time.
A “deactivate” as well as a “uninstall” option would be sufficient.

It’s possible we don’t actually need to install some things in 2024, and planes may be one of them. Presumably with an option to download them if you want to for any reason, like modding.

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FS 2024’s reliance on online access for far more assets presumably means that a server outage likely to affect far more users than the current server outages do.

At present a lot of assets are stored on our systems whereas this will no longer be the case in FS 2024, How feasible will it be to play offline in the future if at all?

It won’t be. But FS2020 for the most part is unplayable offline so there won’t much change to how things currently are.

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MSFS is first and foremost a service. Offline is a forbidden word.