MSFS2024 November 19th, 2024


I agree, it’s a bizarre inclusion.

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When and where did it get confirmed that all existing FS2020 aircraft will be in the 2024 version?

Yes, but if you could only use predertermined ATC messages, and not scream into the microphone? And then make sure you cannot spam the same messages over and over just to abuse it? I don’t need voice chat, but an opportunity for everyone to hear what we are communicating with ATC while we are on the same frequency in multiplayer would be a big step up IMO.


I’m quietly hoping that Asobo create some sort of “mission creator” so that 3rd parties can make their own missions. I think there could be some cool innovation and creativity if that was possible. Especially if 3rd parties can create NPC animations and voices.

As for the discussion of careers. I think it will be cool but perhaps somewhat limited. Like if you’re fire fighting there are only so many types of fires where an aircraft would be involved. But perhaps they will bunch together certain operations - like fire and rescue.


Were resource-intensive tubeliners available for the Xbox 3 years ago? I honestly don’t know, but it seems to me the memory issues have cropped up because the platform has been asked to so so much more than was originally intended. More World Updates, more high polygon count aircraft, etc.

They definitely need to release a new Xbox (Super?) with twice the RAM, and not just a Series X with a new paint job.

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It never was. The word was ‘majority.’

Yes, that’d be the one with a rather apt description of “BBRRRRRRRTTT!!” or other similar combinations of those 3 letters. :slight_smile:

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Right so these claims are just unfounded guess work. When and where did the ‘Majority’ come from? I’d like to interpret it for myself and haven’t seen heard mention of FS2020 aircraft carrying forward to 2024.

Perhaps it was referring to this section in the Zendesk MSFS 2024 FAQ:

Will Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 be a completely standalone sequel, or will it also be offered as a paid update for existing players?

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 is a standalone simulator and the next-generation sequel to Microsoft Flight Simulator that launched in 2020. Current aircraft and airports that are in Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020), as well as virtually all Marketplace add-ons, will be supported in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024.


I’ve also considered this possibility. Opening up the mission or career system to third parties would make a lot of sense. It’s crucial for the longevity of the system and could lead to truly endless progress. It could transform the simulator into a dynamic platform that continuously evolves, providing immense value to simmers rather than a one-off experience.

It could be huge, I agree. Especially as we’ve seen plenty of vehicles in MSFS already. Not just planes, but hot air balloons, blimps, even boats and cars. I think some creative peeps could really bring a lot to the platform with the ability to craft missions.

Only because I listed them all and counted them in it doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll all end up at the end of the day (I even pushed them into their own section of that post and not into “confirmed aircraft”). This is a public forum and not a PR session with the devs, however to me there is some strong evidence that up to all current aircraft will be included:

  1. Besides on Zendesk the official FAQ also states what already was quoted: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 FAQ - Microsoft Flight Simulator. “Current aircraft and airports that are in Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020), as well as virtually all Marketplace add-ons, will be supported in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024.
    If virtually all Marketplace add-ons will also be supported in MSFS2024 this should also count in livery packs which will need their base aircraft.

  2. Working titles work on AAUs will unlikely be thrown into the bin - this affects especially the CJ4, C700, TBM 930, b78x and b748i but also up to all G1000 NXi and G3X equipped aircraft of the default lineup which were touched in the progress.

  3. The new A320 Neo by iniBuilds was not just invented for FS20 only for some Xbox users to enjoy. It fits the overall confirmed ini lineup, so it will for sure take place.

  4. Same goes for the A310-300 if they created an Airbus avionics framework which would make sense

  5. The Cessna C172 is Asobos testbed, has all new FS24 features (to some extend demonstrated at the FS Expo from last year) and was part of up to every FS iteration.

  6. C150, SR22, Beechcraft G58 Baron and the DV20 can be seen in the latest trailer (section with the banner tow, which shows the XCUB, sitting on the apron in the background besides some SF50s).

  7. The DG-LS8 Glider was part of both trailers. On trailers also the C172, F/A-18E, DA62, C208 Grand Caravan Ex, Guimbal Cabri G2 and the Extra 330 are shown.

  8. If all FS20 aircraft are still supported and many of them are appearing in the trailers, why should they cut the most recent and detailed additions (so all 40th anniversary aircraft)? The material is there and it’s not bound to some exclusive deal with a film studio which would prevent expanding the list, something also Laminar did on X-Plane side. It would be best to bring up to all aircraft in as optional content so nobody “must” stick to the current sim to fly e.g. the A310. Even if not fully supported on launch the people which are already got used to an aircraft can continue to do so on the new version.

For the real reveal of the aircraft list and other details in form of PR I guess you shall look forward to next FSExpo this month. Until then you’ll have to live with unproven, unofficial speculation across the board. Sorry.


I’ve never seen that screen.

The weather looks awesome on Xbox series X. This is one area where Xbox shines. I don’t really see anything to complain about here. Must be your hardware. I would like to see turbulence in the clouds though.

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Totally agree. MSFS 2024 has the digital earth twin and visual bones to simulate near spaceflight up to low earth orbit space flight by far and away better than anything else.

No interest in going to the moon or playing more gamey space games, but very much woud like to experience up to low earth orbit with the full visual fidelity of MSFS 2024.

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Many of us did. I goes away after a while. Many restarts.

Thanks. Yes I understand some of the logic and that makes sense however that doesn’t cover every aircraft. I was just looking for an official statement. The Zendesk FAQ response provided is the best I’ve seen on the subject. I read that as every current aircraft, so great.

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Asobo probably has metrics as to which current FS2020 aircraft are flown the most, and which ones are flown the least. Perhaps some of the less popular GA models will not make the cut for FS2024?

They do have metrics for the aircraft as they have talked about it before for different aircraft.

Also I can imagine that there is possibly limits on contracts of IP being tied tied to MSFS2020 but not being renewed for MSFS2024.

Functionally, I imagine they could all work.

Remembering that several of them have mods that are flown instead, but need the core aircraft to function. If these flights are counted in the stats then great but if not then using that logic you could cut say the Bonanza, Baron, King Air for example and everyone’s add-ons will stop. That would be bad.