MSFS2024 November 19th, 2024


Same here, both from a GA and an airliner perspective. The current auto-gen airports, IMO, don’t have very decent GA ramps/parking. Even looking from the world map, you can see 10-30 aircraft parked on a ramp but the airport will have 3 available parking spots to pick from and they’re all in the wrong locations.

From the airliner side, my biggest day to day QoL issue is the ramps and gates. Jetways are rarely positioned properly, the “correct” parking positions oftentimes make no sense, the paint lines aren’t right, and in certain airports the parking positions are even 90 degrees rotated from where they should be. I like flying into new airports as much as possible and it’s a gamble if the smaller regional airports will have usable gates or not. I make do and still enjoy my flights, but not without some significant loss of immersion. The few snippets in the latest preview of some gates looked promising but it’s hard to say if that’s just one hand-crafted airport.

All that said, I’m still very excited for 2024 and I’m hopeful Asobo and MS have learned a lot in the last few years. Again, the previews so far show some promise.


I’ve been working on a lot of GA airports in the world hub and you’re right, parking spots are incredibly hit and miss. I’ve got a couple airports that went from 12 spots to over 100. Others went from 4 to 6.

I imagine the AI could be tuned to look for parking Ts, but it doesn’t seem like it currently is. Part of it may be that the Ts are often faded or don’t have enough contrast with the pavement, but even when they’re highly visible, they’re pretty much ignored.

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Well, there is a thread over in general talking about lightning missing in 2020, and here in the trailer we not only see lightning, we see it going from cloud to cloud instead of straight down to the ground. I don’t know if all weather scenarios have improvements, but there is hope based on what we see in the trailer.

Also, mist or low level fog along the valleys. Flat bottomed clouds (I live in upstate western new york where with the winds off Lake Ontario and Lake Erie relatively flat bottomed clouds are common.) Actual cloud layers, like can be seen in the Rio De Janiero scene. Streams of water on the windscreen.


I’d hope to see the whole non-towered airport ATC receive a major rework.

I’d prefer if we could actually tune CTAF to the appropriate frequency first and then select which airport we want to communicate about. That way in crowded areas with many small airports/airfields that share a common CTAF, we could tune, select a runway and report at appropriate distances.

This would also allow for AI GA traffic to be heard reporting on the same CTAF, but for other airports on the same frequency.

That would really do a whole bunch for realism and a sense of traffic other than ourselves.

Right now, for example, I’m approaching a landing at 60CL in CA. I can’t tune CTAF and report my intentions until I’m practically on top of the airfield due to all the competing airfields on the same frequency — the ATC window defaults to the closest one and so you can’t select your runway or announce your intentions.

That bugs.

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Would also be nice to be able to hear other players on frequency in normal multiplayer sessions. It was one of those things I thought would be in MSFS2020 when flying together with others.

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I’d love this, but I don’t quite know how all the PEGI/ESRB rating works for open mic sessions.

I didn’t think it was an issue when I reflect on Xbox Network party chats, but I don’t frequent games with Everyone ratings (nor do I frequent open chat sessions in games (shutter) stranger danger and shrieking, no thank you.).

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“Online interactions not rated by the ESRB” is pretty normal stuff :wink:

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Which is interesting since registration numbers are blanked out in multiplayer sessions to keep within ESRB ratings. Those are online interactions, no?

It’s well established that Microsoft exercises inconsistent control over visibility of things in the game based on their interpretations of the rating that aren’t like any other game. (Eg, no visible guns or bombs.)

In other words, expect more bad decisions that don’t make logical sense in this regard. :slight_smile:

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I wouldn’t use ATC if other users were on there live. It would almost certainly degrade into a**-hattery within minutes of opening up. But it would be welcome to have AI GA traffic visible and on frequency.

There is a thread on this and I think the consensus is that it would get abused so much that they’d have to shut it down. It’s one thing if it’s VATSIM where its for serious flyers, but a general multiplayer chat would just turn into toxic chat like every other game and I could picture it being difficult to here them over ATC.

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Maybe one career option will be giving a piggy back to the space shuttle on the 747 and land at Kennedy Space Center :thinking:

Maybe they are dependent on the updated GDK to be able to run MSFS 2024 on the console so therefore they want an early SU this autumn for MSFS 2020 to verify it before the launch? If it doesn’t work they might have problems??

We’d need the correct nasa 747 tho

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So why not just call it MSFS 2025

MSFS 2023 → MSFS 2024 → MSFS 2025 :money_mouth_face:

Or just call it MSFS and make it a “forever” title.

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Does everyone using a PC, now get this Xbox controller displayed when they start MSFS SU15 ?

If not, is there a way to get rid of its flaunting itself when running on a PC ?

You might be right there. Did they not mention 2024 memory improvements being rolled back to fs2020. Maybe it was the GDK they were referring to. Seems like maybe they do want to run it on fs2020 for a while before fs2024. I hadn’t thought of it that way before, but sounds quite likely.

Can someone explain to me the logic of them heavily promoting the inclusion of an A-10 Warthog in FS2024? An incredibly famous and iconic military jet of course. What is it famous for? The sim isn’t allowed to show.

I just don’t see the point. Unless Microsoft are going to release a version of the sim that has a higher age rating. Which might actually be a popular move.


You talking about that infamous anti-tank cannon that fires so angry intense it slows the aircraft down?

Maybe the A-10 makes a great bush plane? Ha!