[MSFS2024] Robinson R66

Please use this thread to provide general feedback and impressions about this aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. For all bug reports, please create a new topic (or upvote an existing topic) in the Aircraft & Systems section of the forums. Please use the full bug report template when creating a new bug report.

On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Flight Model and Aircraft Systems?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Interior and Exterior Graphics?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Audio and Aircraft Sounds?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate your Overall Enjoyment of this aircraft?
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My first few flights in the R66 have been surprisingly satisfying. I’m still working out hardware settings, but I just had a very pleasant VR experience with the new Robinson.

I was tempering my expectations for default aircraft in the new sim, but there is a surprising amount of depth in the flight model. Torque is requiring pedal input to maintain heading consistent with my experience in the real thing. I was most happy about cruising at neutral pedal position and even requiring right pedal input during decel/descent.

With the spray variant at ~90% useful load you need a hefty amount of left pedal to pickup into a hover. Yaw movement with helicopters in VR has been smoothed out and I had a ton of fun doing quick return to target reversals at the end of a nearby field.

After some hiccups, which lets all be honest, were more than expected, MSFS2024 is off to a good start impressing me with the updated performance and features.


Yes! Its good! The h125 even better!
Msfs 2024 seems very good for helicopterpilots!


I have 2 “issues” and I don’t know if it’s on my side or not.

  1. I can’t start the engine from cold & dark. Battery on, ignition on and start switch on. Nothing happens
  2. The throttle is continuously moving despite all assists turned off. I wouldn’t have noticed if it wasn’t for the annoying clicking sound it makes
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Clearly you haven’t flown cowansim, check pool for h125 and read how bad it is


The H125 flies really bad imo, the trim doesn’t work


Im 20 Hour in on my helicopter license in a Robinson 44. And i feel the flightmodel is really good in the R66 compared to real life.

you really need to disable all the default curves on the joystick and remove all helps also for it to be acurate.

One thing is that you need alot of more right pedal when you drop the collective fast or doing auto rotation, so thats not really accurate. But still ok.


Is there a clickspot somewhere to hide the cyclic stick?

Yes. It’s around here:

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I can’t find a way to remove blade socks in walkaround mode. I click on it and nothing happens.

Do you clic on the sock where it’s attached to the blade ?

Yes, clicked on every part of the sock.

sounds like a bug. Did you post a report?

No, but I can do it

Any know if you can fly the R66 in any Career mission?

Or is it only the H125 and the Cabri G2 and heavy lift helicopter you can fly there?

On Behalf of my friend who actually flies R44 and R66, the Ground effect is too strong. It’s too strong in general for all helicopters and for each model the effect isn’t different. He say the effect is felt at the distance of the diameter of your rotor blades 5-10-20 meters below your airframe. Currently it all feels the same regardless of the diameter of your rotor blades, and is too strong vs IRL. Approaching a building top as example, the effect blows you upwards with too much force.

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yea! when approaching building, some crazy ground effect if happening, or some strange bugg! That definitely needs to be fixed!


I actually like the R66 seems to handle nicely (with all heli assists off). One very minor UI annoyance is that it does not show up if you search for it on the ‘All Aircraft’ filter on the aircraft selection screen, other helicopters do. It only shows up under ‘Helicopters’. I initially thought I didn’t have it installed because of this.

The torque isn’t as ‘instant’ on the R66 as it is on the R44. The hard left yaw when you drop the collective or cut the throttle on the R22/R44 isn’t as pronounced with the turbine in the R66.

Naturally I cannot select the Helicopters category without suffering a crash (gee do I feel like a beta tester).

And Naturally typing ‘66’ under the All category lists 
 no R66. Same for R.

In fact methodically scrolling through the entire collection of aircraft doesn’t (always) list the R66.

Once in a while I am lucky and find it. Most of the time I am not. Currently on hour #4 trying to just fly the R66. Come on devs, this is turning into an embarrassing joke (parts of 2024 are really great, parts of it is just plain shockingly stupid). :rage: