I hope multi-monitor support is coming sooner than later. At this point, I need that support to convert my cockpit over to FS.
I hope multi-monitor support is coming sooner than later. At this point, I need that support to convert my cockpit over to FS.
And undocking windows like PFD / ND / EICAS etc.
Yes this was a bummer. Sitting here with 3 screens, 2 i cant use for side window in cockpit … =/
You can do multi monitor, but it will only stretch the view port, not give you three view ports. Im guessing you want the latter but the option is still there.
Yeah - you can span monitors . . . . but you can’t put different views on different monitors . . .
how would you span the monitors? Like megapipp, i have two nice monitors that i cant use. really bummed
Yes this was a big bummer. Wonder why they havent implemented that at all…
Well, this stinks. Removed XP11 to install this. Took all day to download, and no real multi monitor support, just the Nvidia stretch things. I, like others need independent views, with different angles for things to work with my home cockpit.
Microsoft, please help out us real cockpit builders! Stretching the image does not work. Independent cameras, and placement. Please!!!
Yes this was disappointing. I just built my first flight sim cockpit (new to flight sims) and have triple displays. Nvidia surround works but it is all distorted and stretched in msfs so disabled surround and using a single screen right now. I hope they add multi monitor support.
ditto. need those views fixing
Yes I would like multi monitor (not Nvidia surround) as a feature request. I’m sure it’s coming.
Yes Microsoft, really good work but we need more features!
Please build us a solution to create new view on others screen with detachables instruments, FMS, Autopilot, FMC, PANEL…
Wow that is very disappointing. Like most people I use multiple screens and naturally assumed this would of been one of the first things included in MSFS.
I just played around with Nvidia Surround and camera settings. Tried the “drone” camera and stuff. Unfortunately there is nothing remotely usable.
Its truly disappointing When you build a home cockpit which triple screen setup specially for this game
Then in the end you discover that this feature is not supported ( maybe yet )
Even worse, I tried to use nvidia surround with my 4 monitor setup. Nvidia surround works correctly for every other app, but for FS2020 only a portion of the screen renders on one monitor. The others go black…I had been hoping to retire my Prepar3d installation with the advent of 2020, but that is obviusly a long way off. Particularly frustrating also that a SimConnect API bug just broke compatibiity with my Brunner control loading hardware… I don’t think FS2020 was quite ready for prime time…
In the FS2020 Feature Discovery Series videos episode 4: Cockpits, at 3:16, the lead software engineer at Asobo specifically talks about the “calibration tool” and how “multi-screens/windows are also supported”. I can’t find that in the game. Where is this feature? I have been looking forward to setting this up, I’ve got three monitors hooked up, but all I see is single-screen “windowed” or “full-screen”. What am I missing?
You can use SRWE (Simple Runtime Window Editor - available on GitHub) to span the game in Windowed mode across three monitors instead of using NVIDIA Surround.
Will this allow you to set the viewing angles and position? We can stretch it with the Nvidia tool, but that does not help if you have monitors set up as (physical) windows, 90* to the front. Distorts everything.
I’ve undocked the VFR map and placed it on a separate monitor. The button is in the top right corner of the VFR map window.