Multiplayer option for pilots who follow ATC

I noticed several times that many pilots don’t listen to ATC when departing/approaching so in the end there is a mess in the air. It wouldn’t happen on IVAO/VATSIM under ATC.
I wish there was an option for those who will follow ATC to fly like in reality. The others who don’t follow ATC instructions should be excluded or moved to the other server (fun, crazy one ).
What do you think?

I think a lot of people fly without the ingame ATC as it is fairly broken and more of an annoyance than anything else… Or maybe you’re listening to ingame and they listen to VATSIM ? or vice versa ?

Why don’t you fly on Vatsim?
This seems to solve your problem.


I fly on IVAO and sometimes VATSIM on X-plane 11 only, just made a wish for MSFS build-in multiplayer.

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Nah, it’s not broken. It just has a lot to deal with that wouldn’t happen in the real world:

  • Human players not following orders / filed flight plans
  • Human players filing flight plans that ignore e. g. METARs (like departing or arriving at runways of the opposite direction)
  • Human players suddenly popping up on the runway no matter the current clearances for take-off and landing
  • Flight plans with outdated AIRAC cycles
  • Live traffic (of course) not following orders

and so on.

I figured if you turn of live traffic and other players and plan your route following current METARs, NOTAMs and AIRACs I barely run into trouble with the ATC. At least not if I listen carefully, follow his orders and react quickly

If I’d leave live traffic activated I’d usually leave my approach on “Direct” and only pre-set the arrival (e. g. ILS on correct runway) since the ATC might assign me a different approach anyway (which I then can easily change in the FMC). If I’m not wrong this can also happen in real life since I can’t know in advance if a route has free slots. A filed plan would probably get rejected or adjustet, not sure.


I’d like to add that most of the time I run into trouble with the ATC nowadays it’s mainly because I didn’t pay attention to the comms and overlooked that he assigned me to a different approach. Which I then realize way after passing (the now wrong) transition fix. Cancelling IFR and having an VFR landing is usually the only way out since reprogramming the FMC at this point will definitely mess things up.

Actually, ATC works quite well, especially if you understand transitions, approach procedures, etc.

I tend to find if you run with “All Players” it is most often a flying circus (some are even doing aerobatics above big airports). But if you run with “Live Players” only most are showing up some respect to ATC and others.

As for VATSIM, it shouldn’t be one or the other, like in have fun or fly by the rules. I personally like having fun with the simulator yet respecting ‘guidance’ from ATC especially in regard to taking off and landing runway directions, which is essential when playing online with others to keep things flowing.

I concur with the OP, there should be a ‘free for all’ lobby and a ‘ATC lobby’ however, the Live Players lobby is already close to this in my opinion.



maybe someone shares my idea.
It is nice that there is a multiplayer function. But I would have a suggestion for a new multiplayer mode called “Live with flightplan only”

My problem:
Players spawn everywhere at the gates and on the runway. There are some players who take off more or less “real”, but many who only cause chaos. Not a big deal, everybody can do what he wants, but for me it’s so unrealistic that I always switch off the multiplayer mode.

My idea:
Maybe you could create a new mode called “Live with flightplan only” besides the multiplayer modes “Live” and “All”. This mode would allow all players with the idea of a realistic flight to fly together in multiplayer. You create a flight plan, spawn at the next free gate and also shares the ATC with these players, meaning you also hear their ATC communication and have to queue up accordingly at the departure etc. Of course there will still be chaos. But in principle this would be a basis for a more or less real flight atmosphere in multiplayer.

What do you think about this?


VATSim may be what you are looking for. | The International Online Flying Network. It is free and partnered with FS2020.

Hi there,
I think that is the intent of Live mode:

What they don’t have is a way for the system to detect users who land without clearance and do barrel rolls with their 747s.

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I made the following suggestion a while ago in order to strengthen the intent and help pilots matching their intended flying objectives easier. If this helps reducing public toilet cleaning cost because the human brain can be tricked so easily, it might help sharing the sky too: :slight_smile:

Help solving arcade and simmers players sharing the airspace with the help of a simple nudge - Self-Service / Wishlist - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

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Made a post about this a little while back
Go ahead and vote

Make Live Players = Simulation Mode? - Community Support / Wishlist - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums