Multiple Views more important than multiple monitor support

I completely agree with you, one wonders if the designers of Asobo have already used FSX in the past. The multi-window management was very efficient and accomplished. Each of the windows could manage the zoom, the POV independently of the others and it was enough to synchronize the views (with CTRL+T according to my memories) so that they move with the chosen view. In addition, you could choose the desired view of each of them (exterior view or other). Why the developers did not resume the work done on FSX (or P3D)?

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No bloody ZOOM. This flushed the whole attempt.

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This feature is not usefull for different monitor sizes

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I have 3, 43" Sony 4K TVā€™s. Having only three AXIS of movement is very limiting.

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Having now had a play with the new SU10 multi monitor feature itā€™s clear that this needs to be just the first stage because as it is now is very limited. Iā€™ll add to the request for adjustment of the view for each monitor. Currently I fly with the camera set to just show the glareshield/windshield. This means the camera viewpoint is forward in the cockpit so when adding side views they are not aligned with the side windows because they use the same viewpoint as the main monitor and every aircraft needs different positioning. Add to that Iā€™d like to use different sized displays for the side views.

A separate viewpoint for each view is required along with per display FOV. Iā€™d also think that these settings would need to be saved and recalled on a per aircraft basis because I canā€™t see a single setting working for all.


I fully agree with you. I am very disappointed, that SU10 did not bring back this well known function.

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It was a simple request, I thought! :roll_eyes:
As implemented in SU10, itā€™s as if they never evaluated what was there before dating back to the 1990s.

Yet, I am not surprised because the same thing happened with how they managed the ā€œnewā€ replays system.

Asobo can and will do better, but i feel like these layer two features have always been back burner afterthoughts. Every post in this thread makes a clear point of what is expected. Sigh.

This has never been a priority for Asobo. The only reason it is on here now is to quiet the masses. This is virtually unusable and donā€™t even think about switching planes. Very disappointing.

Hello everyone,

Itā€™s a pity that Asobo didnā€™t really manage to get a really 100% working Multiview up and running after such a long time and professional support (from Fly Elise)!

Itā€™s a shame for the whole FS and very, very disappointing for something that calls itself simulation.

Because thatā€™s just a game for the desk.

Nest regards

There are options in UserCfg.opt when you create custom monitors as below

WindowCustom0.PosX 0
WindowCustom0.PosY 0
WindowCustom0.CameraDegRotationAdd 0.000000 -95.900002 1.200000

However, this is lacking WindowCustom0.PosZ and even if you add this to the config file also making the config file readonly, the sim ignores PosZ. I have tried many values and played with these settings and couldnt move the camera location to any other location than cockpit view.

Now Asobo only needs to add WindowCustom0.PosZ and a slider setting to multimonitor settings, so that we can move custom monitor camera position to any other locations, like wing views etcā€¦

Another solution can be custom camera settings, just allow us to choose monitor on custom camera save settings. So anyone can set custom view on multiple monitors as they like.

I hope a developer read this message.


Yes, i agree with you on this and this ties in to my original post.

Asobo devs dont read these threads, but as you described, saving a custom cam view to a monitor seems very doable.

I have created a forum vote thread on this subject. I invite everyone on this thread to vote, so devs can see it. Link is below.

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I regularly attend events where it is very nice to fly the aircraft in cockpit while having a spot view available to the public on an external monitor. I see your topic is not accessible unfortunately.

The topic is merged to this topic by mods and vote available.

Hello everyone,

unfortunately Iā€™m as far as Syldon13 and will wait for XPlane12.

FS2020 is still a beta in all respects!
No real SDK (FSXā€™s is even better than this one), no real multiview and even no real flight behavior! Only the visual is positive about this game! In my opinion, you shouldnā€™t call something like that a simulator.

I still hope that the FS2020 will make the necessary efforts, at least in the multiview area, to get it running with Fly Elsie.

So, dear Asobo team, get on your feet the hand!


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You must have a different FS2020 than me. I must make sure I do not mix them up,

Then take good care :blush:

Thanks I will.

All good. Keeping on topic, whatā€™s your opinion on the current multi views support in MSFS.

Any recommendations from your perspective?

Are you running a multi monitor setup?

I have a semicircle as a visual that I run with 3 projectors and the diameter is 4m. So I need FOV so that Fly Elise can display it 100% accurately.