My Download Is Stuck! Help!

Hi everyone. i’m with the same bug. I’m stucked in 59,97GB. I tried wired connection, but still stuck. I have 241GB free disk space, and I’m using default installation path. I also tried reinstall the game. Anyone can help me?

I would first check C: drive for storage space, doing install, the installer will decompress the files and ■■■■ up your storage space. Not enough space freezes the installation. You may need to move more files to your secondary drive or external storage temporarily if need be. Close the installer. Re-boot your system and restart the download and installation. Some storage space will return when the installer deletes its index installation files. Hope this can help you.

I have exactly the same problem. Stuck with 59.97 GB to load. 245 GB of disc free. Asking me to please wait. Installation crashed when decompressing fs-base-0.1.61.fspackage.002.