If you live in an area without photogrammetry coverage, buildings are AI generated. The footprint will match the real thing and typically the roof colour. The rest will be fictional.
You’ll only see aa reasonably accurate representation of your house if Bing has photogrammetry coverage.
You can check Bing Maps and find your house there and see if it has photogrammetry data. There’s photogrammetry coverage for parts of Vancouver, but not others. So it would really depend on where you live. And it also depends on when that data was added. They haven’t updated the Bing data in MSFS (outside of areas touched by the world updates) since well before launch.
Currently photogrammetry coverage for the sim in Canada is quite bad and sparse. But that’s because that’s the way it is on Bing. Until MS decide Canada gets some MSFS love, it’s not likely to change. In my area in eastern Ontario, the sim shows low res satellite imagery that’s almost 10 years old in some areas, despite the fact Bing has some super high res data that was added in the last year. There are areas north of the city that show textures with snow on the ground despite it being 35C here.
The world is a big place. Hoping Canada, Vancouver and Chilliwack will get some MSFS love in an update. Will have to find a way to convert my model to MSFS.
lol, i minded right is real before look at minute hahahaha… wait a minute… they both are digital what the heck hahaha… ah, i see, left is revit model of real