My msfs is not Starting

Hi, I did a fresh install of windows 11 and uodated all drivers etc , Microsoft store drivers and software fownload , i installed the sim thru the xbox app andi run as admin and it wont load. Is there anyway you giys can help me fix thi? Thanks

Topic moved into Community Support for community assistance.

The Bug Reports category is for reporting confirmed bugs using the provided template without duplicating an existing bug report.

first : dont start a game in admin mode :slight_smile:

Can you add some more informations for the community ?.. What mean “wont load” exactly ? Does it crash ? Does it load forever ? Did you get an Store-error-code ? What you see ?

In case the application crash, plesae also open the windows event viewer and attach the error message.

As more info, as more ideas can community users have about the reason.

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I did a fresh indtall , i am
Clicking the flight simulstor icon and nothing is happening . It doesnt load the screen .

Look in
C:\XboxGames\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Content
for the FlightSimulator app, right click on it and send a shortcut to the desktop.
As Micha says don’t run it as administrator, if you do any marketplace purchases will likely fail.
Here’s an icon I use but you would need to convert it to a .ico file

I’am not an expert for MS-Store version, but are the Gameing-Services installed and up2date ?

Also, as easy it sounds, check that the system time is correct.

And in case you have installed special anti-virus solutions , ensure that nothing is blocked.

In case the app crash, it would be helpful to have the log from windows event viewer, as mentioned.

You have maybe ProcessLasso installed? If yes, it is known that MSFS wouldnt start. Deactivate it and restart the PC.

None of the above fresh install of windows 11 and msfs , but it wont boot . Everything is updated

It still doesnt work

I wish i could upload a video

would ask again: are you sure that “nothing happens” is not like a crash of the application while startup ?

Have you checked the window event log for error entries ?
( here is a howto what is meant : Game Crashes at Launch - #14 by MichaMMA )

It is a completly different situation if the application crash , or whether “nothing happens” , e.g. because somewhat is blocked or you miss to install somewhat on the new windows 11 what is necessary.

If you recently installed something manually into Community Folder or, even with an installer, this could cause it . Happened to me recently, I installed a product manually and the sim would not Boot Up…
Hope this helps