My Navdata is broken

Hi, i’ve got a problem where I cannot add departures and arrivals to my flightplan. This is a problem on the A32NX mod and the default A320Neo. I can select sid’s and stars on the FMC but they wont appear on the flightplan. I originally went to the FBW team for help but they said it was a problem with my navdata, (I use default data not navigraph) I dont have a problem with the Fenix or CRJ presumably because they use theyre own data. Any help would be appreciated

Did you use to have Navigraph by chance and not remove the data when your subscription ran out?

No I’ve never had Navigraph always default.

Hello, look at that but for the moment there is no solution except using payware navdata from navigraph.

Wow that’s really poor, I really hope that’s fixed I cannot afford Navigraph, it’s very expensive. Thank you for telling me

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