My opinion as an airline pilot and simmer

I have been an airline pilot for about 10 years and I have been in flight simulation for about 16 years and let me tell you guys that I am super excited about MSFS2020 as never before with any other sim.

I can understand those of you who are disappointed or frustrated, but I belive that you guys just don’t see the potencial of this sim, don’t forget that you didn’t buy a “final version” your sim will always be evolving and getting better, so all this bugs will be fix. IMHO releasing this “unfinished” or buggy version was the best decision since we, as a community, can contribute enormusly to speed up the bug fixing process. We have already seen incredible community efforts such as fantastic mods, hundred of liveries, airports, etc in just a few weeks after release and don’t forget that in less than one month after release we will have two major updates from Microsoft.

I have been rated in 3 different airliners and I am pretty sure that if any of you who complain about “flight dynamics” or bugs go to a multi-million level D sim where we real airline pilots are trained will also be disappointed since the flight dynamics of these sims are not very realistic compared to the real airplane (sims are usually more sensitive to flight control inputs), not to mention the poor visual quality compared to MSFS and even sometimes they are buggy and crash.

MSFS is buggy but still enjoyable. I have done some beautiful VFR sightseeing flights in props, long IFR flights in turboprops and short and long flights in the A320 (with the wonderful mod from the FlyByWireSim team) and despite the buggy autopilot and inop functions all these flights have been very enjoyable.

So guys, don’t forget that this sim is a work in progress but that is a good thing because in a shorter period of time we will have a solid flight simulator. Don’t expect a perfect flight simulator out of the box, just a few weeks after release we have seen the commitement of Microsoft and the community to make MSFS the best flight simulator in history and without doubt we will achive this sooner than later.


Well said. Totally agree


That was so well said, nothing to add. Respect, captain!


My sentiments exactly!


Everyone SHOULD take this into consideration, especially after the next patch comes out.


Props! :slight_smile:


I understand and agree with your comments. As an airline flyer, I’m waiting patiently for quality payware. I’m just worrying about the smoothness of this sim in combination with detailed aircraft systems. Even without stutters, the sim seems often short of breath.


Really great to hear from a real world pilot , and not from some " armchair pilot experts " , with axes to grind with Microsoft .

Also , nice to hear some positivity for a change .

Many thanks again for your input .


So true. I have flown military and civilian level-D sims and other than sitting in their cockpits surrounded by instrumentation, they really don’t have anything on MSFS. Some of the sims I flew were actually ‘negative’ training due to their issues.
I too, am really looking forward to this sim and it’s future…just waiting for my high-power rig to arrive…another month! :cry:


Many thanks for this excellent contribution. There is no better way to say it.


I’m just a private pilot, but I have to agree. I’ve never had so much fun with such a flawed release. I’m glad they decided to release it.


I concur wholeheartedly with this post…

I am not an airline pilot, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night! :slight_smile:


I agree, since I started as alpha tester in MSFS y forgot all other sims.


Some of us would like to see the installation complete.

we are consumers, not unpaid beta testers

Are you paid to contribute enormously or did you pay the demanded amount to play a game/sim that is buggy beyond belief?

because they know it isn’t anywhere near a release product and have had to address major issues.

I don’t care.

yeah if you count endless days of downloading and deleting files/applying fixes that don’t as enjoyable.

yep but something that installs would be nice.


What a gentleman :smiley:


Neilbrlut don´t waste your time against MSFS and don’t waste space in forums.
Be happy with your actual entertainment.


Sorry you have issues but… if you don’t care that we can enjoy it, then we don’t really care that you cannot. Say what you want, we still enjoy it.


LIke I said in another thread, expeirenced pilots especially commercial pilots it seems are a lot less critical of it than other people. I have seen some videos and some written reviews and it seems like someone puts an airline or fighter pilot in it and they either expect them to be stunned, or tear it apart and critize it to death. And in the end they are just “meh, its good enough, looks great and is usable. Especilly for small aircraft.”.

I agree with pretty much everything you said. I am not a pilot but I was mechanic in the Air Force and I know some pilots. I had a family member that used to manage a local airport when I was growing up. And my mom has a friend that is married to an airline pilot (retired now). I have had the chance to look at and get in some higher end simulators. We even had some in the military for trouble shooting flight control systems. I would agree with you on that too. Once you take away the fancy cockpits, controls and moving parts the sim itself wasn’t overly impressive. Then again that is NOT what they are designed to do.

I have to say compared to every other sim I have tried, and I grew up when computers were not even a thing, this thing is pretty impressive. Even with its flaws. When you consider it is a 60 dollar game at its core that can play on a desktop pc and use a bunch of different controls i think it works pretty well. Sure it needs work, but I expected that. The install issues and crashes some people are having are sad though. Luckily I didn’t experience any of that.

The whole is it a simulator or a game thing? I don’t know, I always kind of fall on the its a game side of it. Always have with any PC simulator. In my eyes a simulator costs thousands to millions of dollars, Has real cockpits and are normally only replicating one or two types of airframes. And they are used for specific training tasks. That just isn’t what these things are. Not that in time with some effort they couldn’t be modified for it though. I suppose some day this software might be used in a real simulator just for the upgrad in visuals.

I do wish they work on the navigation and instrument problems for those that want that. And I assume in time most of it will get sorted out.


I would have understood this decision if they sold it as an EARLY ACCESS and not as a complete game for (at least) 70$.


Another embittered, be happy!

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