My World Map has a plane sticking out of it with spinning engines

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Brief description of the issue:
My world map has a aircraft model sticking out of it.

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Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
I just loaded the sim after installing World Update Iberia.

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:
i7-9700K, 32GB RAM, RTX 3090 FE.

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

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Nevermind. I think this is related to AIGTC, which I had running.

A couple of planes traverse the globe of the world when I’m setting up the flight

Some one have this screen today?


There is an airplane outline through the world map.

So… ummm… yeah.

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

At night go to the world map and a giant plane is sticking out of the map

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

I don’t have AIG installed like the OP
If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

Hi to Developers,

I would like to have a solution on the screenshot above.
Have a problem with a giant aircraft stuck in the middle of the world map.


Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Didn’t notice until second flight at the world map, saw this oddity. (See screenshot)

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

Loaded up a flight at KDEN, used FSLTL, looked fine. Loaded up at KLAX, used FSLTL, looked fine. Loaded up at KSNA, used FSLTL, looked fine. Went to world map in the dark area and took screenshots.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

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I have the same issue, has anyone a solution?

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Wow, looks like the old AI models have declared war.

On a serious note, does this happen with an empty community folder?

First time I’ve seen this happen…I’m not sure if it’s an issue worth cleaning out my community folder yet…Maybe it’s been there awhile…no idea. I just happened to zoom way out and noticed it…lol. I’m doing another few flights today…I’ll check each time to see if my new guest keeps reappearing again…haha.

RSR has now achieved god level in


Make sure there aren’t any addons installed as that Can typically cause the issue :slight_smile:

A sim restart can also typically fix it

I had a bit of a glitch with the World Map today.

Yep, this is an addon issue. Make sure your community folder is empty!

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You have gone one better than the OP. You have TWO planes passing through the world …

Can anyone do better with 3 ??

“One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small…Go ask Alice, I think she’ll know…”

Not sure what to say other than I have never seen this before. In case you can’t tell, it’s the world map.

This is due to addons :slight_smile: if you restart the sim it gets fixed. If not, try emptying your community folder.

I have seen the same bug (on DX12, AMD 7900XT)… and I find the argument that it is “not a bug, because of add-ons” somewhat … confusing.

It is so obviously a bug of the MSFS software (stack) and it looks pretty severe to me, because there clearly is some kind of “memory management GPU state cleanup” problem.

Here is one of my examples: