So I usually:
- Create a flight plan in Simbrief
- Spawn at the departure airport in FS2020 without creating a flight in fs2020 (so a vfr flight as far as fs2020 is concerned)
- Once in cockpit, connect navigraph and download flight plan from simbrief to navigraph
- Then I upload from Navigraph to set as default Fs2020 flight plan.
Now….sometimes that seems to work and I can go to ATC window and request an IFR clearance for that flight, but sometimes it still acts as though this is a vfr flight and I can only request taxi for straight out departure, etc…
I just started doing this when I got navigraph so I was not really paying attention too much to why it would work or not but…
The only difference I noticed (I think) was if the flight launched with the AI pilot handling ATC I could load the plan into FS 2020 in the cockpit and it would recognize it and if not (I.e. AI pilot was NOT handling ATC) then FS 2020 thinks it’s a vfr flight.
I’ll admit I did not yet test this because of the new issue of not being able to interact with menus while in VR but does anybody have any knowledge of how to consistently load IFR plans while in the cockpit and getting ATC/FS2020 to recognize them?
Hi, were you using the a32nx (fbw) ? If so your issue may be related to this post: Unable to request IFR clearance with FBW A32nx
No I am using the Aerosoft CRJ 700 but I also tried this in a couple of default FS2020 aircraft and ran into the same problem.
Found the solution. I was able to request a clearance for my second flight after landing at an airport. In other words flew from A to B, then loaded flight plan from Navigraph/Simbrief from B to C as default FS2020 flight plan, then I could request IFR clearance for this plan.
I assume that is because I never closed the first flight and went back to the main FS2020 window and so the sim treated me as if I was changing plans and let me ask for a new clearance for the new plan (I think….)
My new workaround when starting from scratch is to load the A to B plan in world map as vfr flight and then load actual IFR plan once in the cockpit and get my clearance.
Every time I open the addon it starts from scratch. I don’t need to log in, but other than that. It tells me it found an active flight plan and if I want it to laod it, then takes sone time to do so. I don’t have a second monitor to keep it open, but I don’t like it floating around either. Is there a way to keep it open in the background so if i click the addon it opens where I left it when I last closed it?
Press Ctrl + N on your keyboard. It will toggle the visibility of the in-game panel, rather than close/open it from scratch.
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Oh, cool, thank you!
edit: I tried it and works fine. I wish I asked about it earlier.
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