Need help, Airworthy Designs TNCM Addon

I wasn’t aware Asobo released one. I’ll try removing it.

I don’t see it but I’m not using GSX.

I DID have some problems before I remembered that I had two sceneries installed for the same airport. Once I removed the 40th Anniversary version of TNCM from the content manager and completely restarted FS everything seemed fine.

Yeah, I tried that. What other sceneries did you have for TNCM?

Airworthy Design from SimMarkets.

So you’re saying you had 2 Airworthy designs installed and you removed one?

No. I had the Airworthy Designs scenery that I purchased about a year ago and the new enhanced Asobo version that was released last week with Sim Update 11.

Ah, well as I’m sure you read in my posts above, I tried removing the Airworthy TNCM and the Asobo TNCM had double jetways. And I tried removing the Asobo TNCM and the Airworthy TNCM had double jetways. So not exactly the same situation.

But are you saying that the Airworthy designs TNCM was not excluding the Asobo TNCM so you had to remove it?

I’m not exactly sure how the virtual file system works now that they removed the content.xml file with regards to scenery priority.

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I have tried going into TNCM, multiple planes, and have the Airways add on, and no way. It either veers left or right over the runway. Will try and uninstall it to see what happens. Wish me luck!

Not even close, they turned me around, literally, on final!!! After uninstalling the addon, this was worst. Staying away from PJM for a while. No kidding.