Need help! Please Vote for Shock Ultra!

Help from whole community is needed! Please vote for the linked issue.
The obvious problem has been being neglected from last December. Dev. team must pay attention to this mistake made by themselves. Thanks in advance.

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Whether it’s knots or km/h shouldn’t make you crash. Important are full flaps stall speed and max airspeed which are both indicated on the instrument. If you have to convert knots (nautical miles/h to kilometers per hour) it’s knots times 1.8 for km/h. I actually prefer knots over km/h because it’s the only unit in many planes, so i already started to think in miles and knots even though we use kilometers and km/h in my country.

thank u very much Woodier72 for your post :wink:

Really hope this bug will be solved in next update !
@Sath68 , I also prefer Knots but the fact is this plane has an airspeed indicator in km/h IRL and for a simulation , FS should respect it :wink:
Also we don’t have the bug at the release ! it was introduced with 0.1.44

I know what you mean. Of course, you are right. However, the linked post is talking about the airspeed indicator itself, not interpreting airspeed. The speedometer of Shock Ultra is malfunctioning. Please vote!

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