Hi in fine tuning my 3070ti performance like to better understand what is going on here (3 questions):
- At the bottom the GPU Memory changes color… lowest use is white, then yellow and then orange like this and maybe red I forget.
In Performance on Task Manager I will get readings like:
Dedicated GPU Memory 7.3/8.0
Shared GPU Memory 2.6/31.6
GPU Memory 9.9/39.6
I get that the Shared memory is the computer RAM
Is there some rhyme or reason here as I seem to get stutters when I go over 6.5 on GPU Mem…???
The limited by main thread I belie means limited by the CPU, weird as I have a Ryzen 7950?
Finally, at one point I was able to change the top RED color to GREEN by a certain criteria… like to have it green if I run better than 60 FPS.
Thanks for help… I searched and could not find explanations of this.