Need Help With Bravo Trim Wheel

I am trying to use the “trim” wheel using the Bravo. It does not seem to have any effect. I notice that in the controls section Nose up and Nose up are assigned to switches 22 and 23 which do not appear in the picture on the right right side of the page used for assignments. The trim wheel spins but there seems to be no effect on the plane. Isn’t this more of an axis setting than two switches.

I am flying the Cessna 172 G1000, Windows 10, and I have installed all of the MSFS updates.

Any help greatly appreciated,


FYI, I have the Saitek Cessna trim wheel and this works really well with this simulator. I even use the trim wheel to steer the trucks in American Truck Simulator which is very good, I turn it at right angles to me and use it as a very effective but rather small steering wheel. Charles

I have the honeycomb and yes, the trip up and trim down are assigned to switches. It is not a axis. Rolling the trim wheel just repeatedly activates the switch for the desired action. What I’ve found is that in some aircraft the RATE of trim may be different. Some are very small and others take much less movement. Just ensure you are assigned to the switches you listed above and hopefully this will work.


The Honeycomb Bravo trim does not work as well as it did when it was first released. The sensitivity was changed with one of the updates.


With FSUIPC you can adjust it quite easily to your taste. I understand that it’s pay ware and can be daunting for a new user, but to me I’d rather just be using my sim the way I want, and FSUIPC allows me to do that.

What is FSUIPC? When I search on the web I find that it is a tool for developers. Please give me a bit of guidance on this.

Otrman AKA Henry

FSUIPC is a paid addon that gives you more customization than you have with MS FS2020. I have not used it. Another option is SPAD (I think that is what it is called). Again, I have not used it. The trim wheel is busted and I am hoping it will be fixed soon. Asobo confirmed it was a bug, but we know how long it took them to fix the heading bug.

I haven’t used FSUIPC but I use which is similar, and I have no problems with the trim wheel. Just like when using the MSFS bindings directly, the wheel’s “up” and “down” buttons are mapped to the pitch trim up and down events, and it works fine for me in the various GA planes I’ve been flying lately (C172, C152, PA28).

I also haven’t heard of a specific problem with the Bravo trim wheel, other than some people noticing that it no longer unconditionally is accelerated due to the longstanding bug with acceleration on inputs being fixed. This should improve the situation, however, not make it problematic.

Can you describe what the problem you’re encountering is?

The problems with the trim wheel were introduced with the last world update (WU 4). The bug is described here [BUG LOGGED] Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant trim wheel suddenly very insensitive (as of World Update 4)

It is currently being worked on by Asobo and should be fixed soon hopefully.
Would be nice to have it fixed with today’s Sim update 4 :stuck_out_tongue:

You have to turn the trim wheel multiple revolutions for it to have an affect. I have not tied it since the update.

Interesting. I had no problems under WU 4 using the Honeycomb Bravo’s wheel via using SimConnect events.

I just tried it using direct MSFS bindings instead of, and it’s working fine in today’s update (trimming during climb in a Cessna 172 with steam gauges).